About RGB...

That shit is more tacky than putting neon lights underneath your car. It’s 2021, grow up. You are not a teenager anymore.

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Wtf are you on about now?


No those light LED packs cost like a few hundreds of dollars on amazon. Believe me for someone who would just spend attrocious amounts of money on light that literally needs usb power.Thats cringe.

But they do it. mainly because theyve been abused and psychologically traumatized as a child.–at least I hope they were. Otherwise that would call for a DISCOMBOBULATION!




Please don’t decorate your belongings in my prescense it is 2022.


Using the same two gifs for a hundred posts is how @MassImpact124 signals the aliens

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That’s like my dream set up, if you got a 3090 in that pic. The more neon the better lol.

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I mean it’s too much for my personal taste but I see nothing wrong with it. They have money they want to spend, it doesn’t hurt anybody and it makes them happy.

Imagine getting upset by adults enjoying things with their own money and being the one to say THEY need to grow up.

It’s supposed to be a gaming rig, not a hearse. So, some rgb lights are a must. Besides, some products come with rgb logos.

My rig ☝🏽😎

We should start a thread to showcase our gaming rigs.

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When I bought the Corsair keyboard and mouse I had no idea they would come with RGB. I think it is pretty cool looking, as these are the frist items I have with lights on them. Sadly, I suck even more at this game with the keyboard and mouse and decided to just use my Xbox controller for the comfort.

Nice rig.

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That’s what we call a ricer car… same applies to PC’s

I have a few things that are RGB… for those… I just switch the lights off… it looks hideous


To each their own. I wouldn’t do it to a car, but gaming rigs need some flava imo.

It takes a little bit of time, practice, and patience…

You’re a boring and pathetic man and I will forever mock you.

Idk man rgb is pretty fun. It’s enjoyable to be creative with colors. I don’t think having those old tan dell computers is all that fun to look at.

Sure you can go overboard with it, but if you’re in a relatively dark and empty room it’s a fun way to make it more expressive and inviting.


well that’s not rgb, that’s white. that’s ok

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