About smoke grenades

Anyone here finds them useful?

I find them useless. They block your vision. Somehow it doesn’t have any effect on AI (they still shoot at you even if you are in the smoke cloud) and the predator can still see you using thermal vision.

Only useful scenario I see is throwing a smoke grenade, thermal decoy and audio decoy to lure the predator in and shoot at it, but you are still aiming blindly.

It’s really annoying when an idiot throws one inside a building where the objective is and then the predator comes and decimates everyone within a few seconds. Don’t do that, please.



Is a weird mechanic as always. Yes Predator CAN see through it only when using thermal. So you have so many seconds before he’s onto FT. But then tthermals can be blocked by thermal decoy…so he will be blind if both are used. It’s your poison, might as well use them even if it gets into your eyes.

Yeah but unfortunately everyone is blind if both are used however if you toss some flash bangs in there I’m positive it’ll counteract the other two.

Ai has aim bot and wall hack they start shoting you at the same time you turn a corner. Very bad design unfortunatly.

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even if he doesn’t see you blocked by thermal decoy and smoke, you still have a big icon on your head telling him where you are. Useless for the most part. That’s also why mudding up once the predator isolates you is pointless as well. The icon remains above your head, even if you are blue.

People are using them wrong the point is to throw them away from yourself between you and the predator and force him to use thermal vision
Then use thermal between the smoke and fireteam forcing him to get close

I been in Soo many lobbies with people throwing the smoke and nobody being able to see

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Predators at least get some useless things buffed one way or another (like the club even if not enough). FT? They don’t see to care. Smoke is not only useless is a detriment to you team and they can’t even have the decency of removing it from the game so new players who don’t know this, don’t use it! Using does nothing useful but can kill your entire team.

Smoke + Thermal… Guess what, the Predator can see you throw BOTH of those… Seriously now? Those symbols above your head don’t go away in thermal so you are completely blind and the predator can kill the entire team.

At least thermal has other uses but why don’t they fix smoke or replace it with something else and why don’t they do something about thermal to remove the thing above your head? meh…

How smoke should be used on an exfil…

Swirls are smoke, T’s are thermal, X is exfil flare. Smoke should be thrown 30m away creating a wall of smoke. Thermals are then thrown half the distance creating a wall of thermal. AI won’t shoot you through the smoke that far out, and Pred can’t see you behind the thermal screen. Once he comes in close to isolate you, team shoot him.


No it doesn’t. The predator has to be very close to you to scan you with thermal vision

yes well then they would be on to something if they did it initially. But if the predator lost track of you…then it would make for a totally different outcome entirely during exfil. It would be utter confusing losing a FT member through the smoke thus if the predator likes waiting out smoke, then you’d have more FT members making through Exfil.

I guess if he lost seeing the FT body alone was fustrating enough and they didnt want to over do it otherwise a predator player would lose hope jump in a place that would expose himself and get himself shot at immediately. I think maybe it should have clouded it slightly. just slightly.