About Spotter

Very interested to see it.

Let me know your PSN, I’d love to run some FT with you sometime.

Most would agree I’m a decent addition to an FT.

Kid_Scoutz. It’s the same as my forum tag. Sure I would enjoy that too.

Sniper spec. on Recon with the longer spot perk is sick.

Hit me up on discord if u need me as Recon with above spec/perk.

I’m tired of carrying nubz. xD

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What’s your PSN?

Give that back a rest from carrying your team and join some killers.

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Haha ye that would be cool. :D

I’m on PC.

FromTheHood YT

On Epic.

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I will do that. We are full atm. We are actually getting ready. Everyone is siked asf.

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Last night I ran recon - spotter with ice cold, pig in shit, and tracker. It was hilarious. I’m sure the predators are annoyed as all hell.

Damn. Can’t get on atm.

Spotter has the kneeling thing too right? Does that stack with Ice cold to the point you don’t need mud??

Yes. But you’re still on target isolation.

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That’s fine @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK we had fought @KameofWar

How did Kame do?

He did a lot of damage the second time, but it was a neutral win. He won.


It’s hard to verify this for myself… I’ve tried.

Effect: Decreases the motion of the spotted target by about 20-30% (not a correct number)
Time: Probably 3~4 seconds. We think it is more efficient without the tracker. (This is also not accurate.)

More detailed verification will take time… I’m sorry.

The spotter specialization with the Tracker perk is about 7 seconds of spot time plus the slow effect. The main spotter can only spot three times consecutively until they go into a cool down and can spot again.

Honestly I was just glad I proved to my self my brand new build wasn’t a meme but I would say it was more of a tie than a win but I’ll take a W if he offers it lol

Also shout-out s to GoptimusPrime and his group for doing a 2out of 3 then wanting to quit after I won a game lol his group are sore losers meethinks

That actually makes ice cold useful, thanks for the comparison.

Muttering to myself - ‘stupid Recon getting all the love. Bastards…’

I’ve used ice cold a lot since 2.0. It basically removes footprints (they disappear quickly), so weather you don’t always mud up every 44 seconds or if the predator has observant, you are extremely hard to find with thermal.

I’m going to be on with gingy and Otto tomorrow if you wanna join because we will need a fourth. Been wanting to play FT with you for a hot minute.

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I’ve never seen you this active on a thread