Achievements and OCD

I was not happy that Epic decided to add achievements to this game. It was such a pleasure playing without worrying about them and now they have been added. I am obsessed now with getting them all. The Platinum achievement on PS4 Ultimate Hunter has a .1 % completion rate, that’s insanely low.

I am currently working on precision leaper (hit all 4 FT with leap slame) and the smart disc one (two birds one stone). Also that precision spear throw looks tricky as well. Anyone else obsessed with getting all the achievements?


HMU if you’re down for achievement boosting.
I struggle to “traditionalist” even though I killed all 4 FT members with my WB only.

I’m sure I’ll get the spear throw trophy at some point. Not interested in farming it though. For as useful as the spear is I’m sure I’ll find the opportunity sooner or later.

Don’t even bother doing it in pub matches.
100m is unrealistically far for thorw range, given you still have to calculate the drop. It’s extremely difficult to hit anyone even if they are standing still, and you know no one is gonna stand still and wait for your throw.

I was thinking about doing it while/during an FT was calling in reinforcements or during an exfil. But your right it will be tough. Only 1% of PS4 players have it. Im working on precision leaper now and that has about 4% of players have achieved this trophy. Did you already hit two people with the smart disc during one throw? That sounds tough too.

I got that early almost entirely on accident. FT actually ran single file to exfil.

I think this was one of the first I got, back when FT teams were prone to camping in the same small buildings and you needed to persuade them to exit by slamming the roof.

I don’t have the Combi throw and double smart disc hit ones though.

Got Ancient a few weeks back, and that was the main one I wanted.

The inly reason the plat is that low on ps4 os because there are one or two trophies that will not activate. Like traditionalists is bugged for me I have tried everything from not using my cloak and vision to not even using health kits. It would be much higher if certain trophies wernt bugged

Dang you got Ancient ? That’s going to take me forever. I just got precision leaper and the smart disc one last night after posting. The only one bugging me now is precision with the spear throw. @DhRauta, traditionalist was bugged for me on PC too. I got it after downing all members AND swiping them while they were downed, I didn’t claim anyone. But I have heard you can claim and still get it, alas, a bugged achievement. If you ever need a booster (of 4) let me know, we can try all angles.

The only one im missing is Traditionalist I have the other all ones even all the claims

I shall now attempt to cure you of your OCD

Being the Pred Nerd I am, I even made a little GIF to celebrate!

That’s a tight gif. Yeah I figure I will eventually get the claim trophies, but the skill ones freak me out.

Is the predkour master glitched or something?
On PS4

Platinum in 1 month with boosting guys

I got something called Ankle breaker!? I was using the Disc when I got it.

True. I got platinum a little while back. I’m very proud of that, but I boosted the spear throw. That should have been 50m.

The only way you’ll ever get 100m naturally is to camp an objective that you know must eventually be done by fireteam, have your spear ready right when they start interacting, and already know how much insane drop distance to account for by having a preset aim location above your target. Good luck.

Just keep running through the trees. It’s not possible to know if it’s glitched without a distance tracker, but you’ll get it, eventually.

I got all the other skill based achievements but this one. It is so tempting to boost this one because it is almost impossible to do legit. Your right, you gotta know where the objects are or do it during an exfil. I have been practicing outside of games and in quick play… it is laughable. It is just me throwing a spear missing and then going to retrieve it while I get melted by the fireteam LOL.

The only problem I have is that I will have got all achievements legit except this one and that is going to drive me crazy: hence OCD.

I’m sure you’ll get a lucky throw eventually. Nobody would blame you for boosting it. It’s too far to be skill based. You have to get lucky, to get it “legitimately.”