Add an option to add bots in Private Match.

I feel private match should ALWAYS be an option within this game and is a mode used a lot more than you would think. The matchmaking for this game was nonexistent in the beginning. Had no other choice but to private match so friends can have an equal turn at Pred.

Just need to be able to round up 5 to 8 people to play. (If you aren’t able to get that many people together, this would make sense)

I do feel there would be a great benefit to having a mission based solo mode for folks that are incapable of or not wanting to play with other people.

You know, I have this saved for threads like this to give people hope about the future of this game ;)

PS: that was months ago. So who knows how close we are to getting it if we’re getting it at all



We need a predator concrete jungle 2! One day… maybe… I hope…

Yup, and they do nasty damage too if left unchecked to both FT and Predator.