Add damage to EMP mine

I think adding damage to the emp would be very over abused, too much damage with little effort involved. Def one sided thinking here.

Tbh it either needs to do some damage like 150-250 or needs a greater activation radius. As it stands unless a pred directly steps over it then it won’t do shit which is weird when you think about because bear traps should function the same way yet they have a large activation radius.

Also should a pred activate an emp mine then it’ll more than likely be either when eating pigs or when they’re going in for a melee assault. Should it activate when eating pigs then they’ll either finish eating or cancel making it damn near useless. Should it be during a melee assault well then unless they’re using ghost it pointless.

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Looks like 100% of people disagree with you.

Might want to check again.
Either way doesnt matter, ove only stated common sense xD.

Would enjoy some dmg on it based on how many you get and how small the radius is.

Ft needs some stuff. Only 9 characters and the most minimal weapon selection in a shooters history.

Here’s to hoping some cool stuff is coming!

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taps pie chart

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I’m a man

I have not the ability to fuck myself

But ill try

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