Add more to the game!

Hi, so I’m lvl 100 now and there’s really nothing much more to achieve once you reach past lvl 70. It would of been cool to at least see a campaign mode or maybe different types of game types. Maybe making a much bigger map with way more time and add maybe a predator or two and more 3-4 more fire team members to make the hunt more exciting knowing there’s two predators or more out there. It would be cool too maybe seeing some aliens in it! Maybe bots or maybe actually making players be able to play as the alien that would be badass. Tons of things and ideas ilffonic can use to make the game better these are just some suggestions. Just to make the game more exciting. Also maybe adding some ways you can buy exclusive items in an item shop that’s only there for a day would increase some revenue for you guys and keep everything exciting! Hopefully y’all can make the game better as anything can always be improved!

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