Add Wolf predator as a dlc

Na we need 4 more JH87’s and an 5 more Dutchs

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Bs since when do devs slip in assets a more than a year ahead of release sure

The Dutch outfit pack is only a matter of time IMO

It’s called a slip up
The make something, they work on it, and then they accidentally leave it in the files
Some times if you want a smoother update you’ll have assets loaded into a previous update

Yeah we need Cyborg Dutch, Vampire Hunter Dutch, zombie Dutch, and The Terminator

I was referring to the other looks he has in the movie but lol

I like how people say Wolf isn’t coming because he is from AVP franchise even though scar is in the files, and avp is canon because of the shitty 2018 movie

But the shitty movie isn’t going to be canon anymore thus neither will AVP


All they got to do is cut out all the bad stuff from the 2018 movie, keep the good stuff, and rewrite what happened

Then the movie will be 15-20 mins lol

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It would make a great audio tape, but obviously they’d have to add more to the story

This would be why people would assume its just scrapped caster customization, if legit at all.

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Customizable PC would have been cool, but I’m pretty sure that was never planned

That was a year ago, which ofc leads to suspicion its been done away with for sometime now. Completed assets sure, what logic is there in putting unfinished untextured assets in the public build of the game shortly after launch other than devs being cheeky if its even legitimate.

Eh we’ll see

Celtic, Scar and Wolf Predators would be way better then fictional Predators like Samurai or Viking shit.


Samurai and viking are cool, but both have their cons

Add Medeival Pred

Add gladiator Pred

Add prehistoric Pred