Adding more elements of Fear/Empowerment

I still feel like in order for this game to be epic, there should be several new elements of Fear/ Empowerment moments like the Long Claim.
Moments of cinematic splendor that makes us feel helpless or utterly powerful but mainly in the cinematic form.
and this being triggered by unique circumstances such as
From the preds perspective:

  1. FT being long claimed at the chopper
  2. FT being downed while using a medkit
  3. FT being downed while grabbing ammo at the ammo crate.
  4. FT being downed while interacting at an objective (like a laptop)
    or from the FT perspective:
  5. Doubling Up on reviving a FT member (2 members reviving 1 downed member) should increase the revive speed.
  6. Chatwheel not just limited to audio but also making them do an in-obstructive animation as well (just like when Predator uses the roar but without having to stop moving).
  7. Disarming the Predator should also give a boost to your dmg for the final duration of the securing of the body.
  8. Finishing the FINAL objective of the mission should show you all doing some cool animation like fist bumps to close by characters or just fist air pumps like a “Ryu/Ken” fist in the air thing.

Currently, there is alot of unique audio cues points which execute during certain occasions which I think is pretty subtle and really cool.
Like how Dutch yells out after shooting the Pred several times " There we got him, keep on him!" or female going “oh yeah i’m the best!” after doing the disarm sequence.
BUt think of the enormous benefits seeing unique animations and more cinematics to boost your experience?

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Give pred a throw.
They do it every movie for no reason at all.

lol is there any experience that tops throwing people into walls over and over in For Honor? I wish this games melee didn’t suck.


Though a buff this should be added to the game eventually


Why not make this an emote as well?

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A mi me molesta que el equipo fireteam escape pero el que no simplemente termina la partida, deberia de haber algo u otra cinemática si sobreviven alguien