Adding the Dark Predator from Avp3

Idk if anyone had the same thought as me but I always wanted to see if Dark from avp3 will make an entry into Predator:Hunting Grounds
I think Dark would be a great class to play in the game, but don’t know what specialization would fit him. Idk what are ya thoughts?


My thoughts are any Pred released after yesterday is doomed to have some kind of developmental problem, so I’d rather not have any Preds from games or movies because they’re bound to be fucked up in some way. People want Scarface from PCJ and while that would be cool, they’ll find some way to ruin him, like they did to Wolf.

You do got a point there.

They should stop adding new Pred classes, and starts fixing the game, adding at least ONE new game mode;

only then we should talk about new classes.


They would butcher a fan favorite
Not smart
Dumb dumb

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