New Predator Class: Dark(Concept)

The youngest of the Elite Clan, a newfound expert in hunting and killing Xenomorphs. During the events that had taken place on BG-386, Dark tore through countless Colonial Marines, Xenomorphs, and Combat Androids, and most notably single-handedly brought down a unique Predalien in a crumbling pyramid. This Predator spends his days in the glory of hunting Xenomorphs on their homeworld.


Health: 1150
Stamina: 1380
Stamina Regeneration: 145/s
Movement Speed: 9.9m/s
Energy Capacity: 1100
Energy Regeneration: 90/s
Gear Points: 11
Perk Points: 12
Overload Cooldown: 12 Seconds

6.7% Bullet Resist
Inflicts 5% more ranged damage
Sustains 10% more melee damage
Passive Lightbender

Specializations: Warrior, Analytic, Vicious

For reference




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Does he get a heavy attack for his wrist blades?

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Wouldn’t really make sense unless they modified his wrist blades to be something other than the default. It’d be cool but I doubt it would be implemented. I’d just count on the class


Maybe he’d get a new melee weapon or gear that allows him to use two wrist blades


Would love that. I’ve got a concept for that too but decided against sharing it since weapon requests go notoriously unanswered

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Edited for balance purposes

These concepts are really cool. I was saying to @Elliott626 a few days back that I’m hoping we’ll get the tracker Pred soon but he will come with hounds and be named the ‘Beastmaster’.

Most likely not but still, I can dream, can’t I?

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Would be dope!

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You want a concept?


Sure! I think I got the name of the Pred wrong but it’s the dude with tusks on his mask from the 2010 movie 😁

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Sorry bro illfonic doesn’t have all the rights to avp universe, just a couple things like masks and scars

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Edited for balance purposes

If you pay attention, you can notice several distinctive markings, features, sculpting differences in the masks of Scar, Dark, Captured, Jungle Hunter, Golden Angel, etc. Dark here has gill-like vents on either side of his mask near where his lower mandible cheeks would be. He also has a rather impressive list of markings displayed all across his brow line on the mask.

Pay attention, you might learn something

Once again, please pay attention to the details. No one said they weren’t similar, but they’re not too similar to the point of being identical, which is what you’re needlessly kicking and screaming about because you’re afraid…

When we have Captured in the game which is LITERALLY A COPY AND PASTE JUNGLE HUNTER just without the necklace and has a different armor texture. What you’re saying is like saying Celtic and Scarface have the exact same mask and are indistinguishable. Which would be flat out incorrect.


Similar, but definitely not identical. You know who’s mask it is just by looking at it.

And, just to point out the obvious for the oblivious

Go ahead. Tell me they’re the exact same mask, tell me you can’t see the differences and distinction of the two masks, say some stupid shit

Literally every predator fan has noticed the difference