The youngest of the Elite Clan, a newfound expert in hunting and killing Xenomorphs. During the events that had taken place on BG-386, Dark tore through countless Colonial Marines, Xenomorphs, and Combat Androids, and most notably single-handedly brought down a unique Predalien in a crumbling pyramid. This Predator spends his days in the glory of hunting Xenomorphs on their homeworld.
Health: 1150
Stamina: 1380
Stamina Regeneration: 145/s
Movement Speed: 9.9m/s
Energy Capacity: 1100
Energy Regeneration: 90/s
Gear Points: 11
Perk Points: 12
Overload Cooldown: 12 Seconds
6.7% Bullet Resist
Inflicts 5% more ranged damage
Sustains 10% more melee damage
Passive Lightbender
Specializations: Warrior, Analytic, Vicious
For reference