Dedicated servers. If not possible, then enable each match to have the Predator be the host instead of a FT member.
Skill-based-matchmaking - the AWS matchmaking is trash. Simply put. You all are getting screwed with the money that is being paid for FlexMatch. Or at the very least, have AWS tweak their criteria to provide a more consistent matchmaking experience.
Lt. Mike Harrigan DLC. Damn shame that this man hasn’t been included in the EU here.
T-pose on FT and Predator - jfc, this needs to not be a thing.
Fix getting stuck on tiny, microscopic roots/rocks that stop you dead in your tracks (Pred and FT).
Reduce AOE for plasma caster shots.
Reduce disc damage but increase flight time; possibly have automatic recall when FT is hit?
Fix frozen-in-place bug with disc after being hit from FT at moment of disc deployment.
Reduce noise of invisibility cloak and vision changes after a certain distance (seems very loud from long distances from the FT that these transitions can be heard clear as day).
Fix hit boxes on FT with combi throw from lower position.
Reduce hit box of palm trees for Predator weapons such as disc.
Fix arrows disappearing into the map, never to be retrieved. Not a deal breaker but annoying.
Add a new perk to increase time (10-15 seconds?) for the chopper to arrive (or make it a specialization).
Fix leaping straight into the air after laying down a trap (and other leap-related issues with jumping straight into the air).
Remove Support passive and replace with something else (e.g., increased ammo for all FT at start of match, reduced bleeding out effect (ain’t got time to bleed), or reducing time to call reinforcements) - 20% damage reduction is damn strong…maybe at the very least reduce it to 8 or 10%?
Fix medkit on top of ammo crate in Headquarters map (located at boat rental shop).
Fix end sequence of Airstrip with the floating gun and sound issue.
Increase time on proximity missions by 2-4% so that missions cannot be done in 4 minutes.
Fix ‘jumping-in-place’ stuck animation on Headquarters map inside the boat rental building, second floor near window.
Fix invisible Bot when real player quits match.
Increase AI for bots to throw medkits down in strategic areas when players are damaged at a certain level, enable bots to call reinforcements and do the mission.
Buff Isabelle a bit with 2 more perk points.
Add a new perk or two (‘Honor of Billy Sole’ that stacks additional damage on top of LMS, ‘Jerry Lambert - the Lone Ranger’ that enables the FT to be reinforced even when the last FT member is down but still alive).