Alien day!!! Dev stream😴 Update today?

Won’t know till we get more info

Yeah its weird to me they delay a stream, unless there doing it tommorow when the update actually happens IF there is update anymore.

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Well , if the update is tomorrow? Why even schedule the stream for today to begin with?

If I was in their hypothetical shoes and was planning a stream, got a call about a legal matter, I’d call off the stream too.
If they’ve been told to not share info, same deal. Why piss off the dogs in the kennel anymore than they already are?

Apologizes to anyone offended by my metaphor for this place.

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I guess something happened last minute that changed everything apparently

My guess they were trying to show off new content and Sony said no no, so they had to delay it, my fuess it will be tommorow when they can actually relase dlc.

Would you call it off 40 minutes after it was meant to start?

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Honestly I don’t think it’s Sony that’s stopping them from sharing info on this game. They’re normally pretty open and let Devs share info. I mean didn’t they just let a Dev announce they’re working on a brand new multiplayer IP that’s literally just begun development? Doesn’t seem right to me that they’re okay with other studios talking but not illfonic. I’d take a wager and say it’s 20th century studios keeping them silent.

Right forgot about 20th century regardless if it gets delayed till tommorow we know our answer.

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I saw Sony Blog update their blog with a Giant Ractchet and Clank post…SMH…i guess they don’t want competition. or maybe its insomniac games being a cry baby.

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Last minute? If I had to guess it has been looming since 10 months ago , maybe even sooner , the “delayed” stream? Why would they stream if they have nothing to show or talk about? Especially if its called off

I think some day soon we will hear the plug is pulled .


I just wish 20th century studios pulls the stick out their ass and lets them communicate with us. But that’ll happen when pigs fly.

Doesn’t seem like we’re gonna find out when the stream is happening for a while now. So I wouldn’t bet on it being tomorrow or the update for that matter.

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At this point Im uninstalling after tommorow if nothing happens, theres alot better games to play than this.

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I for one will probably keep the game installed otherwise I’d be redownloading the game again and I can’t be assed with that. If the update is a dud like it most likely will be then that will be when I’m uninstalling. Haven’t even played the game since Feb. Can’t be assed with this crap no more.

Ive just been grinding vertainium in prep for update played 1 public match and thats it.

Private match grinding is more fun anyways especially with modifiers.

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I can’t even bring myself to load up the game anymore let alone play it.


The only reason is Im gathered all of my hope in this last update basically, and beside I need to finish Persona 5 Royal.

Ill give it my time but only this last time then no more.

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Didn’t realize that, I’m at work and was going to miss it anyway. I was waiting for you all to fill me in, 🙃

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That’s more likely.

So how is everyone’s Alien day going?

I’m somewhat having a good time and can’t wait to eat my birthday cake.

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