Alien day!!! Dev stream😴 Update today?

Happy birthday! I hope you have short wait times and long matches

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You do. It’s an amazing game (Though, the trophies in that are a throwaway compared to the original Persona 5)

In a broader sense, all I can ask is that people stay tuned. If I could get more specific at this point I would.


One hell of a present you’ve just got from Illfonic XDDDDDD
Seriously man, happy birthday, don’t think about this shit too much and enjoy the rest of your day - watch all 4 Alien movies!

I know right

Look like your birthday will be a tad less eventful than one would hope… sorry bro.

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Its been in my backlog for ages, and im huge jrpg person so its almsot like a sin I haven’t finished it yet lol.

Yeah I’ve been taking a break from Persona 5 Royal to catch up on some of my other games.

It’s ok I’m sure it’ll get better

You having a laugh? ;-) Right now this community is like a hypersensitive giant goddamned sonar directed at Illfonic, nothing else XDDDDDDD
Most of us understand that shit can hit the fan at most unexpected moments(another IP lawsuit ;-)), but we are all hopping for some good news… screw it, even me


Damn it, and i left werk early just to see the stream :(

Hopefully we get some good news rather then more bad news

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Im annoyed to say the least but getting pissed at the community managers isnt the way to go they have no control over anything, the dev team or higher ups do.

Im not saying you are, it more of general statement.

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Maybe next time

That’s definitely ture

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Shit was about to hit the fan yet again today XDDDDDDDDDD


Hope so

I mean the amount of threads closed it allready has somewhat, but people act like its the end of world.

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I’ve been slammed personally, game wise. Just on the single player front I’m juggling Control, Nier Replicant, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, and RE2 (Got that last one for $10 at Target) on PlayStation, Ni No Kuni on Switch, and PHG and Destiny 2 on my PC. I really should buckle down on just one and grind it out.

I’m so glad Disgaea 6 isn’t until end of June. That game ruins me every time a new one is released.

Sorry man :(


Many people are acting up because of the lack of info

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