Aliens in predator

Ok look the game is alright and all BUT WE NEED TO KNOW weather they are gonna release aliens or not I heard they got the rights already but still nothing,WE WANT ALIENS AVP STYLE TYPE SHIT

Anybody with me ??


Oh shit here we go againee

Someone post the meme before he gets flamed xD…

But ill be honest… as long as its just AI aliens and not playable by players its fine…

Cause then if its playable people will be like go play AVP

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I want to be a xeno and bite into a Predators skull

While he is impaled by my tail


Adding aliens is no easy task- development wise. Just because Disney owns starwars, doesn’t mean the devs will put Starwars shit in there.

I mean its still a business tied to funding. Bottom line. And they haven’t even made anything remotely off- product…yet.

That’s what I’m talking about 🤙🏼

I’m not saying I want it in the next 2 months I just need to know if They will add them or not

What you want is an empty promise! The product is Predator…add a tiny little TM in the corner.


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They haven’t said no, so there’s that.

Plus Scar from AVP is in the files

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DO IT! You want to boycott, thats your businez.

That’s a bright side

Special event with alien with unique weapon skins(like smart gun being the mini gun) to replace, but only for one limited time event.

Why would they go through the trouble of making all these assets just for a limited time?

If they add Xenomorphs it will be its own mode


I agree

i doubt it…no Xenos. Unless its like a christmas day only thing.

Like ACM didn’t go above and beyond…they just kept it conservative and made sell hella good models for Xenos. That would be the lasting impression for me of ACM…
But the life quality of what they represented on screen and ingame was just stupid. They were ants really, and Colonial Marines were the exterminators…and it sucked.

Because I’m assume it as a skin over a future mode:
Mini gun=Smart gun
Hammer head=Pulse rifle
UAV=Motion tracker

I use the events in “For Honor” as base.

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Nope. no. there is already a massive crater of debt $$$ and thats called ACM. Play that at bargin bin prices, get your fill, leave and comeback to PHG where they are slowly making more maps and characters, and models.

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Well, we are all assuming a “IF” scenario, but it is interesting to imagine what interesting modes/events they could do, like I dunno, a event were we have River Ghosts replaced as Amengis, assuming the River Ghosts are NPCs in a “Game preserve mode”.

I just dont want the game to take a significant turn to accomodate new AI that might have every one think rebalancing everything. Every one using foot controllers are ticked off about having difficulties already.