Alrighty IllFonic, that was funny…but where’s our “Dogs” -w-

fat bastard

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Oh Machinko, a small group of Marines & Predator Hunting Party tracked down and destroyed this controlling device that was a high frequency that the Xenomorphs where taking orders from a queen but it was the Bad Blood Yautja’s. Eventually the device was destroyed and the Aliens wrecked havoc on the ship when trying to escape, killing everyone on board and crashing the ship eliminating all life forms inside the ship

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I’ve tried to diet…


Omg I can’t

Ahh, I see.

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Yeah really backfired on them, the comic is called Alien Vs. Predator: Three World War

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Celtic. Tuesday. I bet one sheckle

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Also I raise! I bet it’ll be the Tank Predator, so much has already been leaked I know he’s the next Predator but we might just be getting a possible bug fix

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Do a pic where doggo makes a doodoo on earth and instead of picking it up, the pred turns cloak on and quietly walks away.

Later gets caught and labeled and bad blood. Penalty for not picking up pet turds: DEATH

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Man you’re salty about the honor code

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To be fair the honor code at times can be bullshit and a bit too harsh

I’m not. It was doggo motivated, but i didn’t know where to go for the finish since we don’t have much to work with. yes,honor code is superficial, but at least we got that

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You lack discipline.


On the forums, for sure. I pride myself in that.

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I’m just saying some of the rules are kinda bs or sus

I do think amendments are needed. Yautja bill of rights perhaps

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Totally agree, or at least some justifiable laws of protection to some Bad Blood behavior that couldn’t be prevented or held against their will.

Because guilty by unknowingly association is chargeable by death

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Yes. It would be nice and probably boring to see the scrutiny the Yautja code faces in their society. A SCOTYP hearing 😂

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Idk I think there should just be more justifiable punishments then idk DEATH. Like whippings that sounds about right, servitude for the Clan you killed a member of sounds reasonable, Suicide Mission after committing the worst crime imaginable that could kill two birds with one stone.

Then again theirs the Blood pits which not only helps in training but also that’s where Bad Bloods or slaves fight for either entertainment or tradition.

Then there’s Exiled which is putting it lightly where you have a 50/50 chance being hunted for the rest of your life by mercenaries, enforcers, or god forbid the council.

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