Anniversary Hype?

I want you to be wrong, but I don’t even disagree.

You mean you’d like Target Isolation to be integrated with Predator’s HUD, correct? Yes i think people have mentioned something like making it totally alien -like. But you know. it would probably take a long time to do.

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I mean its gonna be worth it lol… i see no reason to keep queuing if if takes 7-11 minutes for a match that can be speedrunned by a even a random fireteam who plays with brains

listen, if you play as pred enough times you can probably figure out that its easy to find FT . haven’t you ever played against Thunderwolf? Has he not shown you how stupid fast he gets to your location upon infil? I mean not only him,but alot of PS preds just dart it over after the first target isolation and get mowed down. so its fairly simple.
I’m not saying your idea isn’t necessary, it would be cool. but i’m sure TI already functions fairly well currently.

I can easily get to the fireteam location within few seconds lol and thats why i proposed this game needs a heavy re-work and for devs to not be so driven by ego and their own imagination of the game.

I want a special Ice Cream Predator themed flavor. Like what Super Mario Bros got at Cold Stone: image