Anniversary Hype?

Is anyone excited?

My endless amount of hope wants it to be awesome, but full on know it is going to be a poorly thought out update, with game breaking bugs surrounded by old bugs creeping through the wood work.

What are we to honestly be expecting for an anniversary drop as the community after the prior updates we have received?

This upcoming one, to have some form of weight with it being an anniversary?

Something to be excited for?

Such a lack luster way to roll into an anniversary, unless it’s something you don’t want to celebrate?

Are there no plans?


New shadows on Overgrowth! Thats what i waited all year for ! and maybe just maybe, a watermelon skin. Didn’t think i’d say that did you?


My honest expectations is that free dlc comes out, paid DLC comes out, they do something to balancing.

That’s really all anyone should be expecting really.

April is said to have Cleopatra or one of the Predators Dutch encountered. We only expect it to be Cleo since she’s a stand-out example but it could even be the one he stabbed with his spear or the one who blew up and Dutch lit on fire.

Gauntlet doesn’t look like it’s coming soon but lone wolf is probably going to be expanded upon soon given it’s at the very least on overgrowth playable. Tiki’s textures supposedly got leaked so that could even be the Predator.

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I am very sad with the game, they have everything in hand to launch and it is this delay. I had a lot of updates hype but with this delay I came to what 1 map or 1 predator is bad for. we need a big urgent update.alien coming up with content like hell screwed the predator


we need to update grand maps, new ambiance, sounds, custom, night maps for the game to stay suspense as in the first movie


I mean, ppl data mine stuff like crazy and stay ontop of this stuff like glue.

There has been non stop community support and suggestions for nearly over a year.

You’d think some big wig at Sony would want to make… money right? Instead of being in the situation we are in?

Or illfonic… right? Surprised they choose to have a poor product, make no money and not understand why, after a year?

Is this team a year 1 dev team doing their first game ever?

It’s like this game was meant to fail before it even saw the light of day.

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illfonic has all predator universe in hands just want to bring it to us.we need a map for city hunter, samurai, night map, illfonic bora update there help the game and the fans

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They only have what 20th century, Sony and Disney allow them to use.

They aren’t even allowed to make announcements regarding their own game.

Sony has to write it on their blog and illfonic copy and pastes it.

Disney has a history of buying companies going bankrupt and polishing them up.

We will not be receiving any update of substance that we think could be beneficial to this game, because ANYTHING they do with this game is profit for the IP and anything looks good. Even if it makes zero sense to the lore, they will still turn profit.

Probably makes sense as to why we don’t have the polished product we thought we would have after a year.

Ppl are still buying it.


There is no more hype. I can’t go on anymore.😭

My fellow Hunters and Huntresses, someone @ me when the update is released. Done with the game till this update comes. I’ll be back on the forum Sunday just to check in.😒

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I say to curb your expectations, at this point all I’m looking forward to is the melon shader and some balance update. I’m not holding out for some massive change that will somehow revolutionize the game and bring everyone back. Maybe they’ll add a new map or a new pred but I’m not holding my breath for any meaningful change if they do add some substantial content though then that’d be pretty cool.


the lack of updating discourages players who love predator.illfonic a lot because they are losing players.


This guy knows lmao… im talking about you btw…

I agree that they need to have better overhaul of everything in game…

Sound design needs to give a scaring factor too
Ambience needs to do that as well
How maps are made they need to give predator an edge over fireteam
Ground level needs to give fireteam an edge
Maps need to be larger

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U will be happy with what i have came up with in terms of how predator tracking should feel like and not what current target isolation does.

Same with cloak too, i want the sound bar to also be a key game mechanic for predator so he has this passive active sound bar on left that is sensitive to sound and you need to pay attention and follow the sounds…

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I’m trying to keep zero expectations.

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So i had this re-work idea that target isolation should be made to be this passive- tracking ability instead of like one time use per like a minute or two… instead like it will be based on how you play the predator… so like lets say if you don’t use motion detectors it will take a while for you to find them…

So target isolation will be re-worked to be this passive scan ability that has 3 scan pulses, and they have like short to medium cooldowns based on how it just tells u what’s going on rather than pin pointing exactly where fireteam is which is complete boredom and just feels weird lol…

But this can only work if objectives get re-worked and the objectives cant be speedrunned by anyone…


also the map will be made to resemble 3D look instead of be 2D and static

also you will be able to scan the footprints too and know how fresh they are and where they are headed

This is how the scan ability would work… it would allow the bio mask to track where the sound is coming from to pin point where it is you know

this part of the video is what they can also do if they can make it work, it will show the map for brief period of time in your vision and then you can continue using it when u hold TAB… holding tab will make your WRIST COMPUTER show the map in a 3D view like from this part of video


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sounds a whole lot like AC’s Odin Sight mechanic but with a cool down am i right? Problem with that is that you’re dealing with real people playing FT and not AI. and are you saying the radius is the same as it is already?

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Yeah cause you wont be able to pin point where they are lol… like it will basically work based on like footprints, sounds, temperature

I wouldn’t mind it. That is allowing for 2 additional pulses. The problem is that Target Isolation is janky as is so Pred would benefit from it. Detecting pigs is wierd because of its random spawn locations. So it could help with that.
But why did you use the word passive? Passive means that it’s triggered automatically, you just need to view it.

Yeah rn its easy game for predator lol … well it works cause fireteam is able to speedrun but yeah…

it kinda balances out right now what it is… which is fast paced stealth which is trash

Nah i didnt mean the scan pulses would be automatic

the map will be passive along side with sound bar on your left, it will allow the predator to see live feed of the map of all the happenings when u scan and it will stay filled with data so you know where to place traps and stuff incase they come back and enter the motion detector area so then the map will update automatically and alert that something passed by a living organism… this can be anything btw… from a pig to an AI or fireteam