Anybody got a general predator class tier list?

Just curious. There’s so many now, and I’m no master of stats or anything 😅

For context I usually use alpha or Mr. Black, I like predators with a lot of stamina.

@Samhain13 made this list.


You sexy man, thank you

@Samhain13 any particular reason why Amazon isn’t at least A tier? I agree with most everyone else, although I think Chopper should be E tier.

mainly cus low energy + no traps + no meta spec but I can see why people would put her there. A and B classes are pretty close. Elder with lens build for day map would be on A but if you count night maps that build doesnt work.

Chopper still has stalker as default for some reason + max speed and stamina so it still not as bad as zerk and for melee has ghost.

Zerk got no good specs, bad perk points, shit stamina, speed

When i made the list it was like thinking about what would work best vs a pc premade on a nightmap with high ping, energy and damage are bigger factors.


When do we get the P Diddy DLC?

Illfonic already allows a @John_Herbert account, it’s not impossible.

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