Archers have no balls

Charged bow shots are underrated

It’s too much cheating even on the video it confirms it, you have nothing to do just get behind the fireteam and shoot and it’s me who’s not strong you say 😂

The Bow doesn’t kill people in 2 shots either in 99% of cases. But the Fireteam can literally delete the Predator’s health in less than 1 second if they land their shots. Certain builds can allow you to 3-shot the Predator with Frag Grenades anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

I don’t get how people are still complaining about the Bow just because they can’t improve themselves and learn how to aim.

There’s really no way to sugar coat it, nerfing the Predator to only have 10 arrows is by far one of the worst balancing suggestions I have ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot of terrible ones over the last 3 years or so.

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but he missed a shot. if it was cheating he wouldn’t have missed

We don’t have the same notion of knowing how to play. How can you be constructive if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

the problem with this game has always been the disparity of skill within the playerbase.

as Pred vs FT its always easy as fuck or nightmare mode.

Same with FT. Playing solo is almost suicide against a pred that has half a brain and know what is doing… but then again, the game is supposed to be team based. People refuse to team up, and the ones that do basically dominate the game because Pred is nerfed to the ground.

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You’re right, I don’t want to talk about that anymore, I’ll do with the bow, anyway, there’s no choice. Thanks, it was constructive

After playing with people who don’t know how to play together is a big problem

So glad I have validation from a top forum member that I’m actually good, as I’ve only ever used the axe to meme, otherwise its been bow/pistol :’)

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I feel lucky that I’ve learned from the School of Samhain when it comes to using the bow properly. I made it a point to learn how to use it back when combi/bow was the meta (and here is it again), because its such a skill issue to use right. Its why I’m so aggro about the sprint toggle bug because you kind of need to be in constant motion to be able to move and weave and dodge while taking shots. Yes, you can squat in a tree or a building and charge up a shot and hope your aim is good, but the reality is the bow is supposed to be used like the pistol, taking fast pot shots while leaping/jumping or running through a confused and disoriented FT (Wolf is so good for this).

Also, limiting the arrow count to 10? Are you serious? So many arrows are lost into the map from bugging out as it is. Stop trying to nerf the Pred.

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Are you on PSN? Hit me up anytime after work and I’ll teach you what you want to know, including how you evade the bow. But I want you to keep it mind that not everything is going to work and there isn’t a resolute solution to any one issue in this game. (Aside from running 4 SAWZs, shits easy mode) Even if I play at maximum effort, which I haven’t in well over 2 years because this game is a joke, I am still being outplayed masterfully every now and again despite everything I know. You’re not going to constantly succeed, and there’s ALWAYS someone better than you. Point being, you can contact me anytime and I’ll teach you what I know, but don’t expect it to work 100% of the time

This guy is a potato. Only potatoes complain about preds playing with ranged weapons.

What’s more cowardly is the preds that use cheap weapons like the axe to get easy wins and then t-bag the team like they did something amazing lol


The axe is not a good weapon against competent players.

The thing with the axe, which I will not say how to do it, is that it auto-aims and you will rarely miss a hit if you know how to trigger that exploit. Even after they fixed the damage stack (which I have not even tested if they did in fact fixed it) , the exploit make potato players score easy wins even against good solo players.

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Yeah, if you’re the only good player on the team then the pred has a good chance of winning if they’re using the axe.

Even if there are two good players on the team, the pred just needs to get two lucky hits with the heavy attack and they could score a win

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I disagree with this opinion. I believe the bow is kind of a hard weapon to get good with, compared to the pistol and caster.

I have and seen other players with range weaponry have more successes than melee weapons as the predator. I now view melee weapons more as a treat than an actual tool to fight with for rn (which is a shame because there’s so little range options to choose from).

Plus having a sniper battle with the predator is more fun than just doing the parry over and over imo

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What!? Where is this predator anime porn located ? My friend wants to know…

In fact, the use of a bow is normal, the cool thing is invisibility + movement + it does not increase dispersion due to movement.

No dick no balls and probably not butt hole cus this guy feeds off of radiation