Arnold is coming May 26th!!!!!!

I think we should ask them to fix the problems first before announcing a payment dlc.
Now it’s our turn. You want to drop your pants for a dutchman announcement? This is not the time to praise illfonic, nor to sink them, we must be realistic and consistent.

Before buying this dlc we must ask to fix the bugs and errors, first is this later… the payment dlc if you want but this is more important than paying 10 euro for dutch.

I hope Arnold says something during the gameplay too.

Wait wut?

So just little over a month after launch they want to roll out PAID dlc??? Fuck no… That’s flipping the bird to everyone who bought this game…

Nearly all FTs will be quadruplets 🤪

Yup… FT made up of quadruplets 😄

Purely depends on whether or not he is a just a skin. They could do a Tommy Jarvis on it. But if it is just a skin then its not much of an issue.

Could be cool with all of team from '87 as a skin.

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I am not familiar with pulling a “Tommy Jarvis” but I assume that would mean a new “class” for the FT? If so that could be content. It would depend on the stats though.

Say if it is like the 87 Predator, a unique class with stats identical to an existing class then probably not really. In that case I would agree with HiveWars and Dutch was probably something that was cut from the game and now being added back in to be sold. This would still not be content in my opinion however.

Now if this is a new class with different stats I think we agree, that is an entirely different discussion.

So basically in Friday the 13th a councilor could come back as “Tommy Jarvis” who was a surivvor with max stats in everything and spawned with a shotgun effectively making him a new character/class you could say. He was not paid content everyone had him but if he was paid content everyone would have lost their minds because he is literally the strongest survivor character in the game.

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Okay thank you for the clarification. I think Dutch will not be free however so slightly different situation here.

I would also agree, paid for and better would probably not go over well.

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ha. this is nothing. they have a roadmap for 4 more planned dlcs to come smh. free updates but paid dlc yep … lol

If the DLCs cost as much as they charged for the F13th DLCs, I’m looking forward to spending a little cash.

The only concerning points from that article is how they do not disclose if the gun and knife are cosmetic only or if they have unique stats. Also that they will be available for free after a set time (right before the next DLC). I was a player of another game for years from a smaller studio that used a similar method, and to boil it down it amounted to this.

  1. New paid content released in the form of new “classes” or “weapons”, slightly out of balance and usually slightly stronger than any existing in game choices.

  2. Content would be free after a set time, usually right before the next paid content release. At which time the previous content would be “nerfed” back into line with the existing choices.

  3. The game studio would often fall back on claims that larger content (maps, game modes, etc.) were not cost effective and so they tended to focus solely on smaller items like classes and equipment. I think they even claimed at one time that maps actually lost them money, and that they could release larger content like maps only when they sold enough of their other cost effective content.

This basically incentivized folks to buy the new content instead of wait for it to be free later, so as to have a short period of higher performance. A light weight OP/Pay2Win mode if you will. In order to maintain that mode, players would need to keep buying each new content pack as they came out. This other game studio also had a similar cadence with their content releases (monthly-ish).

Its seems to be mainly predator mains bitching about this crap having all dutches in the same match all because the update evolves around fire team lol and has left predator mains fuck all. Lol

Its fucking obvious you’ll get an selection area slot in the lobby of being the only dutch in that squad of fire team in the same way like the predator!

All the dlc gets you is either a skin or a class “skin” (Jungle hunter being a hunter but being its own class) and early access to a new rifle and knife. Knife is probably just a skin, but the rifle is far too specific to just be a skin.

The free update on the other hand… I hope there is more to it than the tapes.

I would also like to remind everyone that videogame companies have different people for different jobs. You aren’t going to take the texture model people and put them on code fixing anymore than you would take a painter and tell him to build a chair. The people fixing the bugs are going to be fixing the bugs no matter what the rest of the company is doing.

Okay, as much as I hate to say it.

That is funny!

New match making:


hahahaha nice job man

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great comment ! A bit of blood rushed into my penis when i read that !