Hey guys! I wanted to reach out to you all to help a friend in need, the person I’m doing this for is someone wanting to buy a gift before Christmas to give to their significant other, however due to some events the only way for them to get money is through Art Commissions. So for anyone wanting Predator OC’s Drawn, or anything in or out the fandom in art form by all means they can do it!
I highly recommend them for the art and hard work they put into my boi The Nomad Predator:
If your wondering about their prices here they are:
In their words - “I am the artist mentioned in the above post! I’ll post a pic of my prices down here, feel free to friend request me and we can discuss and comms you want!!
My only rules are:
Pay half before and half after to avoid scamming on both sides ^^
I will not be drawing anything promiscuous so if you have a character that has revealing clothes please be aware that I will adjust the design to be less showing
Thank you so much I look forward to working with you all! 💕”
You can contact them through Twitter as:
And discord for they are known as BATTERYBEAST#7177. Let’s try and make Christmas special for them^^