At some point, this game could be modded no?

I mean getting mods like Wolf predator, Scar etc… as i really dont see those guys showing up for DLC.

It’s possible

But really depends on if the devs/IP holders allow it

Friday the 13th has mods

Other mods get taken down though

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Most likely not.

This is a multiplayer only game with no public dedicated server software. Because of that, even if people managed to unencrypt, mod and encrypt the game again, it will not be authorized to play online, and having no single player mode will render the game useless.


sad clicking noises i just want to play as my angry boy Wolf :(

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Not to mention if you could hackers would have a free window

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what do you mean? all pc plyers on this game are hackers, lmao

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Not in the slightest.

Game wasn’t built with mod support in mind at all.

This game wasn’t built with anything in mind

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Customizzation menu = 200PLus variations of body shaders + 200 plus combinations of warpaint +200 plus mask shaders . Multiply those together and get various a total of 1,000,000 model variants.
Letting users Mod the game =1 Turtle model made by some kid.

All those shaders are pointless because I don’t play disgusting xenos

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Exsqueeze you?

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