Attack on Titan for Beginners Part 2

Yup. Similar thing happens last year in the summer when season 4 part 1 ended and we had to wait for part to till 2022

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Finally all caught up and it was damn beautiful, who would of thought!

Titans swim faster then walk and the horror on their stupid faces as judgement came for them all lol

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I loved all the ‘comedy’ moments prior to that.

There there’s the one about the car and the clown and Levi

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so they finally showed how one nation felt about eldians. They understood that the ones on the continent were used by Marleyans and not to blame, which makes sense. But they never question the ones on the island. Those have not done anything for a long time so why all the hate? There’s a communication breakdown, which is normal for worldly affairs, but they could have figured out that attack on Marley was a retaliation. It’s never explored. If anything, everyone should have united against Marley.

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what is the point of Eren and Historia conversation? It’s not like she’s in charge of anything. Is it just exposition of why he’s not going along with Zeke’s plan? Also a scene prior to that shows that Eren knew about the wine, but still things had to happen as they did. The Eldian brass and Zeke’s forces had to destroy each other so Eren can take advantage of the situation, right?

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Lol it was hilarious cuz they bought carrots and Levi being small as a kid 😂

Also no because they all loved willys Willy to much to see that they are the idiots who started this mess in the first place lol plus they just lost another war with Marley so they are going to root for the winning team, because it was to throw the audience to think that Eren knocked her up as a back up plan to use the baby as the next Zeke, but ya Eren tricked floch so it would go as for seen by Eren, why do you think he didn’t do the smart thing and hide when Marley was invading The island, he saw it all coming, it had to happen

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did Eren trick Flock? I though they were on the same page. It seemed like a weird scene transition .
First Eren agrees to Zeke’s plan and then he says that he’ll destroy everyone.

right, i just remembered the plan between Willy and the king

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Well think about it, Eren set him up to fail, he knew his friends would beat him and try to stop him and not because he was being a stereotype villain, you will see 😁

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That makes sense, he needed the chaos to pull of his plan

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I wonder who’s plan is all this, Ymir or the Attack Titan, like when does it start right?

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It is possible. But if attack titan is it’s own entity and is in control, then it would have used Historia and not go for Zeke longshot.

Ymir is a bit of an unknown to me. How come only Zeke had access to the path and to Ymir? Because he is a royal and he brought Eren there? Zeke though that Ymir would not listen to him or Eren so he probably had a good reason for thinking it. In have no idea why she responded to Eren. But she seemed to be as a slave to founder or royalty so i doubt she was in charge.

Well this series is different from the manga that I remember and the director said it would have a surprise ending or alternate one, so I’m out of the time loop 🤷 but in my opinion…

It was Ymir because in the lost pages she doesn’t save the king

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I don’t know much about Ymir except for the history that was shown. How she’s still alive and inhabits the path, rebuilding titans, and is that of her own will or duty, and connection the the organism?

Lol we talked about this already but…

When paths cross, the point is known as a “coordinate” (座標 Zahyō ?). The Founding Titan is the Coordinate where the paths of all Subjects of Ymir and Titans cross.[2] It has the ability to alter the memories of Subjects of Ymir,[22]change the body composition of Subjects of Ymir,[23] transform Subjects of Ymir into Titans (even Colossus Titans),[24] and command all other Titans.[25] According to Tom Ksaver, the Subjects of Ymir are like a part of the Founding Titan’s body, no matter where they are.[23] In the unknown land, the Coordinate is manifested as a giant pillar of light that branches out like a tree.

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So Ymir is the path?

I don’t quite remember the agreement between Willy and the king, but i thought it involved Ymir.

Nm. Found this.

Upon her death, Ymir was transported to the Coordinate, where she molded Titans out of the sands and obeyed the royal family whenever they sought the Founder’s power.[9]

Still don’t see how it would be her plan. She only takes orders. Don’t know why she listened to Eren instead of Zeke.

Well then it has to be Eren then…I can’t say more now 😅

Buy this and tell me how you liked it so I can 😁

It’s here. Yet to watch, but will try to do it today.

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