AvPR Audio on Overgrowth map!

Before I say this, it doesn’t always work and you need to know what you’re listening for.


Popping target Isolation in the temple as Predator, picks up a noise… Predaliens roar/screech. I don’t believe you’re meant to hear this, a leaked/misplaced audio file. But that paried with the new overhead bomber/jet on the same map, further hints to…

Wolf Incoming!


I’ve been hearing something that sounds like a Xeno screeching and it’s confused the hell out me. There’s no way that a Predator would need to use a Xeno screech as a distraction or intimidation against humans or want to sound like one (unless they think it sounds cool and randomly play it on their Bio-Masks). I hope you’re right and we do get Wolf.

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Fuck, I hope this isn’t true or else I’ll have to dish out some cash.


Lies post loacation post video with the sound or gtfo.


Those be jungle squirrels.


Video evidence please.

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Omg… If there will Xenomorphs in the game… I would love that. Only if its AI I would love to see an alien in this game. All people say that its called “PREDATOR hunting grounds” but the predator hunted aliens too :)

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Terrorize does not lie. He is nice guy. He posts interesting stuff.

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Might wana post some video about it next time ;)

The Predator does “hiss” at certain moments, but this isn’t the first time a dedicated Xenomorph sound effect was repurposed. Check out the Predator VR Trailer.


Silveri needs to get some serious earing devices. xD

The post is true, could use a recording of some sort yes, but it is no lie.

Gtfo with your bad attitude at least.

This is one way to avoid the lawsuit

Just make it an avp game


Hello everone,

I was about to post about the same topic, was wondering what it is and why.

-Did heard it at random occasions from male and female yautja characters, dlcs and not dlcs.
Didn’t took enough attention on wich maps and where, heard it in the jungle areas as of compounds and villages too.

  • [ADIsnap is true too, I don’t see why there wouldn’t be some concrete xeno appearances in this game too, they are part of the canon Predator Lore since Predator 2 and The Pradator hammered the nail even more deeper with its AVP Spears and shurrikens anyways.

-Scar was datamined maybe Wolf too have no idea what is goingon at Illfonic, asided they called the game launcher on PC “Space Fish”… why, just why… “space fish” …

Add me on PC need fiends to play with gamer tag is the same as here :P

I’ll be investigating this with a video to follow soon. Stay tuned

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I wouldn’t think much of it. Some sounds are sourced from Requiem and near launch while playing solo a Predator could spawn and it’d make sounds though invisible.

It’s not unheard of for this to happen be it the spawn occurs and the extra Predator is just out of view or some sound plays. The game can be pretty buggy.

Now Alien day is coming up so maybe you would get some references but I doubt it. I’ll probably check it out when I can but I doubt it’s real.

No predalien sounds here, my friend. You may have misheard. Perhaps you heard the distorted sounds of the drone strike hitting the weapons cache while in thermal?

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Yup, in pak file there is Wolf roar from AVPR. Also, you can hear it in one of the game trailers. Some times, when you kill AI, they bleed acid - this is obviously a bug, however the acid blood is in game. They have asstes to start doing this AVP… problem is, they might not be able to expand on Predator, never mind AVP with this law suit going on.

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<-< what