Hello everone,
I was about to post about the same topic, was wondering what it is and why.
-Did heard it at random occasions from male and female yautja characters, dlcs and not dlcs.
Didn’t took enough attention on wich maps and where, heard it in the jungle areas as of compounds and villages too.
- [ADIsnap is true too, I don’t see why there wouldn’t be some concrete xeno appearances in this game too, they are part of the canon Predator Lore since Predator 2 and The Pradator hammered the nail even more deeper with its AVP Spears and shurrikens anyways.
-Scar was datamined maybe Wolf too have no idea what is goingon at Illfonic, asided they called the game launcher on PC “Space Fish”… why, just why… “space fish” …
Add me on PC need fiends to play with gamer tag is the same as here :P