AvPR Audio on Overgrowth map!

Really? I thought they made original pred sounds for that game. Btw the only wolf roar I recall now is the one he did after removing his mask on the roof against the predalien.

Almost all(game) Alien and Predator media uses ‘stock’ AvP sounds that have been made avaliable(at least I assume so) to Devs ever since the PSP AvPR game, these sounds have been used in: AvP PSP, AvP 2010, Predators (mobile), AvP Evolution (mobile), MKX, Ghost Recon, PHG, and even Fortnite (in it’s Alien trailer) PHG uses alot of these ‘stocks’ sounds for the Pred, but the clicking loop is original, so is the female roar.

Saw some people mentioning the hissing sound, it’s part of the clicking loop it seems, and is a reference to the first Predator movie

Ilfonic has been hiding some of their datamined files, but there used to be a Scar and Berserker 2010 Plasma Caster, Berserkers seemingly already having the spin animation

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