Backwater ceiling cap busted

Has anyone else noticed the ceiling cap in backwater towards the weed farm has dropped. That whole area is bugged.

Can’t leap past a certain height. Like a whole tree’s branch worth. If that makes sense
This has been during daytime haven’t gotten a game at night there yet.

And no I don’t have video bc I don’t care just like how @illfonic doesn’t care.
I’m wondering if anybody else has experienced this.

Yes. Also in excavation and derailed

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Oh good More shit to add to the pile. This absolutely ruins the game flow for pred and any advantage from trees/above 😑

Yeah. My favorite is when I’m in a branch, hit x to jump to a branch on the next tree, and hit an invisible ceiling lower than the branch I’m headed for.

That’s EXACTLY what I’m talking about fucks the flow all up. Super annoying

Adding this to our list of known issues. Any video that can be provided would be immensely helpful.