“Bad blood mode” new game mode

I want some Jedi Fallen Order combistick/wrist blades fights.

If they added a blocking combined with the pairing it would be a for honor type game play. Would be nutz

Nah, no no no mate. I don’t want stances or things like that. Simple and tough as Dark Souls. Or bloodborne if the Predator would be more agile.
Although stances is not a bad idea, it’s just too complex. If you know what I mean

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Lol we might be asking too much. Let’s hope for the game mode first haha


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For the fire team I would like to be the cops vs the Jamaicans from pred 2 that would be cool I’ve tried getting into the fire team game now but it needs something more for me. Love being the pred tho.

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Doesn’t sound bad but sounds like a basic cs go match. I don’t know, I would prefer something more Predator based. Unless someone keeps flagging my messages for some unknown reason. :)

Yoooo That’d be fire cant believe I haven’t thought of this before! Three slightly underpowered young bloods vs one buff bad blood

Can we have the pets too, please? XD

no , thats no possible

I’ll like to be the ninja dude with the katana from predators that would be cool

Yeah I think a mode like that would really keep this game going

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Yeah I saw the flags was prob a mistake

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I rather have the dogs. :P

1 handed combistick with Alien head Shields…duels to the death

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in the pyramid level from avp

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Lol that can be a good mode, bad blood vs good blood.

If you can cram FT members into the game and reduce wait times to make it 1minute one both sides of Predator and FT then it would be awesome!
But if Predators team up to fight against FT members they would have to be nerfed somehow like limited to one weapon or a weapon type.

Nah. All you need to do is remove the mission, then the 2v4 is FT favoured. Maybe restrict the maps to only be the three camps in the map, and then it might be almost possible for a predator to win.

Yooo that’s a bit of a stretch… As a pred main, I think that anything below 6-7 would be a total FT slaughter, the 2 predators would take it 99/100.
2vs8 sounds good if you keep FT separate with different objectives.

Also, haven’t been spamming this for a while: