Balancing PS4 vs PC

I think it’s because you aren’t just letting your brain do it. When you play a fighting game it’s all about swinging at your opponents model. In shooters, you have to follow there movement with your eyes and shoot where they are going, if you’re constantly fighting the controls to put the crosshairs on the target, rather than strafing and aiming at where they are going it gets frustrating.

You all know that I (PS4) am trying to find out the reason, why I often feel slightly disoriented in the game and especially why I have much more difficulties to spot the predator compared to my PC friend.

Some reasons already were found - just 30FPS instead of 60FPS, a PS4 unique blurring, different graphic details (e.g. less branches and leaves), the difference between sitting immediately in front of a monitor and some meter away from a TV and so on.

But I felt, said reasons do not explain the huuuuuge difference in spotting the predator. I described it earlier in detail.

Some minutes ago, I had a spontaneous suggestion (no drugs involved:). My friend told me, that the range of vision can be adapted on PC and that he prefers the broadest range.

So obviously it might be that the predator in his range of vision is visible but not in mine (which obviously is not as broad), right?

From martial arts I know that if you close your eyes and open it again in a fight you already have lost. The brain needs a lot of time to re-adapt. This is the reason, why good martial arts fighters train to keep the eyes open - also when they are hit in the face.

Then there is another fact related to vision. The eyes register movement better / faster in the peripheral region of the vison range. This has evolutionary reasons as hunters normally do not attack from the front.

This fact is exploited too by good martial arts fighters. They do not turn the head if not necessary. They use and trust there peripheral vision.

The limited range of vision in the PS4 version forces me to move the field of vision permanently - which could be the real reason, why I have such problems to keep the overview as FT as well as to spot the predator - due to the three effects suggested in this text box.

Come2WhingeStay4fun said something quite similar: “I’m competent but I’ll never be as good at fireteam as I am at predator because I hate forced first person.”

As a predator, you often choose a vantage point - eliminating the necessity for fast head movements.

What do you think, may this be the real, underlying reason for the difference between PS4 and PC here? Or at least the main visual factor?

Addendum: today I got some screenshots from my PC friend - were he showed me predators spotted by him.

F*** - I did not see the predator, although he drew a red circle around him, in 2 out of 5 pictures - ZOOMED! Maybe it is really the trained vs untrained eye in the end.

But today in the games I always saw the pred when my head was not moving and never saw it, when moving - so the 30FPS + Blurring + range of vision thing may also have some impact - at least for my eyes…

We’ve been asking for real aim assist and exponential stick sensitivity from the beginning.

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One of the issues yes. There’s no turn acceleration. Turning is a chore with controller, looking upwards is a chore with controller. Tracking is a chore with controller. Overshooting & undershooting is the difference between a second wind.

You need like 20 hours minimum playing FT with controller to get used to the tank controls, 30 fps, motion blur. Even then youd have to play with your back to a wall & give yourself a wide line of sight. Sensitivity is either too low or it swivels around like you’re spinning around on a rope underwater. So naturally players using controller tunnel vision or pick wide angles where they can see more and adjust instead of risking getting stabbed in the back or from above. Compare playing FT in this game to plugging in a controller on COD Warzone though :|. Difference is night and day, Illfonic just doesn’t understand why ps4 wouldnt be able to track a blurry leaping pred at 30 frames max with a fucking raw input flight stick.

Hey, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, really I am. I’d have fun with it too.
The thing about aim assist is that it makes your crosshairs sticky… and the Pred is supposed to be invisible. Imagine how easy it will be to find a Pred in a tree, if you only have to pan across the branch and wait for it to stick.

If it only works on spotted Pred’s, it might as well not exist for anyone but snipers and they will punish the fuck out of a Pred if they don’t move as soon as they are spotted.

I think aim assist, is something they likely ruled out till they find a solution. I can’t say for sure but as it keeps being mentioned, I thought I should let you know.

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The pred is so fast and the game wasnt meant to have pc players. Iit was meant for a fast predator and hunter. Us pc players made the pred where he is now…buried by nerfs

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You can already exploit this by strafing while aiming. You see the cross hairs slow as you pass over the predator, but it only works if your moving, there doesn’t seem to be any assist from aim with the right stick.

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Wasn’t aware of that, I still think that is the reason there is none. Remember all the spam spotting topic about PC players, it would have been about PS4 players and aim assist.

I don’t need no stinkin aim assist…

Laziness and lack of experience designing FPS’s really. The amount of assistance is based on distance in most games. Even if you don’t want to go that far you can give potatoes bullet magnetism, look at Halo.

AvP2010 had aim assist because even Rebellion understood most of the playerbase using controllers were screwed shooting at fast moving things without it.

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Fortnite aim assist ego battle aside: aim assist is there for the vast majority of console shooters for a reason.

Even if you dont want red dead tier lockon & good/bad aim assistance exists, you can admit aiming with controller in this game is utter trash. No settings whatsoever. Deadzone adjustment? Aim smoothing? Nothing.
It ultimately screws the way the game is balanced when the majority of the playerbase can only hit pred when its standing still = a massive gap between PC and PS4 in a crossplay game & everyone loses in the end except people that play this solely to tbag the pred w/ 4 second TTK weapons overtuned for flightsticks I guess

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The gap likey has more to do with performance than controllers

Err the gap exists in every shooter as you’re comparing approximating the distance between two points using sticks vs making minor wrist adjustments while maintaining accuracy with mouse. It’s direct input instead of a stick strafe guessing game. The stick just accelerates the camera in a direction, mouse moves it to a coordinate. So yes mouse vs controller is a massive gap and aim assist exists for a reason.

Open up your internet browser using the ps4 and then plug in a mouse and honestly tell me which was faster and more accurate to navigate with. The stick accelerating your cursor at a set speed in a direction, or point and clicking with a mouse?

It’s not a pc master race thing. It doesn’t matter if you prefer to play shooters with a guitar hero setup and have played with that setup for 10 yrs etc you are at an objective disadvantage in terms of accuracy and there is a gap there especially if its just raw input. Feel free to attend a CS:GO tourney with an xbox controller and prove me wrong.

Mouse is a blatant advantage over thumbsticks period. Fortnite crossplay? Aim assist. Warzone crossplay? Aim assist. Its an attempt to level the playing field and make shooters more accessible in general.

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Yea keyboard mouse is more responsive but it’s not as much of a game changer as performance

Go ahead give em aim assist just make it an option

Its true that aim assist must not un-cloak the predator (good point!) - but from my POV it would not be necessary to make the cross hairs sticky. It would be sufficient, if a real SHOT would be corrected the last pixels…

The mouse is undoubtedly far better in aiming - this is due to the fact, that one can change its speed during aiming (in a quite natural way) - starting with a high speed to roughly get to the target and ending with a low speed to do the fine adjustment.

If we talk about all that balancing, e.g. nerfing this or that, we have to take into account, that balancing things for PC players yet may dis-balance things for PS4 players - and vice versa - (in particular) due to the differences in controlling. Disabling crossplay would not change this - as Illfonic won’t program two different versions (PC/PS4) of the predator hunting grounds.

So, yeah, from my POV, before balancing the game ‘further’, they have to think about adjusting the controlling differences FIRST - which from my POV at least means: aim assist for PS4 guys.

Please mind to, that some sort of aim assist already exists - for the predator in close combat; this is quite funny, because I think, that this is (maybe the only point) were the PS4 controller might has an advantage over PC (you have more directions you can control at the same time during hurry-scurry) - maybe the PC fraction has a better lobby at Illfonic…

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@Skoo: sounds quite interesting (and might explain, that some guys are very good at spotting completely invisible preds) - could you please explain this “strafing” (while aiming) thing a little - for a guy, who is not a native speaker…?

@BadBlood: may I ask - do you mean perfomance in terms of graphics (e.g. 30 instead of 60FPS - or the blurring thing; I guess both are especially quite bad for me personally…) or is there anything other to take into account here?

I’ll make a video, today. Basically, if you are moving your character to the side, your aim will stick to the predator.

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I mean 10fps instead of 60 or even 30