Beat me and my high score?



Cockeye Batman 😂😂😂💯🫶🏿

He’s lookin at YOU? Nooo…he’s looking at us both!!!


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He has no blind spot. No crime is out of sight, but he also can’t land a punch to save his life lol


😂😂😂😂 damn I died and came back laughing. Wow and I’m not even high

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Your reply was less toxic than I thought it’d be,

Hey go read through yours and everyone else’s comments on these forums,
Toxic IS the word for it.

Got some dude I’ve never heard of saying he’s never heard of me lol

Bro jog on,
Don’t even comment if your just gonna be a doughbag.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.

It’s not as bad as it used to be. Forums are very tame now, so tame that they are borderline boring. Back in the day, I couldn’t get enough of this place. Maybe we got it all out of our systems and any attempt at toxicity brings about humor or some sort of redirection or trolling. Thinking about the old days gets me misty eyed.

@illfonic, we need another subpar update to get this place going again.

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You damn biggot!! Ppl who play this game exist you hunting groundaphobe!! You think you know me!!?? I don’t even play nomore so im not an idiot 😠😡😭😭

Jus wanted to try that once lol so that’s wut it feels like to have a meltdown over the net lmao is this guy the new Joe Hollywood?

Foo sounds like his home screen is a pic of himself…sound like he do restroom duck face/one leg on the counter pics and can’t decide which one makes his ass pop for the likes and attention

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Lmao I forgot that @‘s me

iLl GeT oN It aSAp!1!


I was still notified that my user name was mentioned somehow. Im think of praising illfonic, but it’s probably another bug.

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Just cause you never heard of me doesnt mean no one has. Though you sound like a few idiots I know, stupidity is so rampant these days.
I’d stop crying about toxic, clearly your sensitive ass has never dealt with actually toxicity.

Lastly, I Don’t give a fuck how you took it. I only wanted to know if you were someone familiar to me, or anyone.
That’s it. You can make it something bad, tho inherently, it isnt.

Lmfao you’re a hooker


Iz fyukin elfanik Enplooye!

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Oh noez I’s iz a focken meff amploye!

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Du di opdete nou!
Prid streepirs!


Ohkeay, relusin teh upodaete nowh


Man, do you even know why people are making posts like ours? Because we’ve been in the community long enough to see what’s happening. And what’s happening is nothing. IllFonic screwed everyone over. They made this game a cash grab to fund their next project and abandoned it as soon as their new game launched.
I used to compile an active bug/glitch log for the devs and would update it every patch. Pretty much everyone went through a period of hoping the game would get better and doing things to help that process like community testing, brainstorming, community events, and bug logs similar to my own.
You know why no one is like that now? Because IllFonic refused to engage in basic communication, disregarded everything the community did to help, purposely released content with errors, and abandoned this game the moment it wasn’t the most profitable option. They pulled the rug out from everyone.
Hell they’ even abandoned moderating or even looking at this forum before it became what it is today.

So your threads like a subscription service to the people who screwed us over so badly, how else do you think they could have been received? They swindled everyone who bought this game, you just can’t see it yet, but anyone who spent a length of time here during PHG’s fall can.

Now, the moment people don’t get down on their knees before you or unilaterally agree with everything you say, you throw a fit and reply in a toxic manner. So how else are we to reply but to disregard you and troll with bait comments?


Maybe we should just hit em with the old ways. Lmao


i try my best with holistic pathology!

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