Behold The Predator God!

May they bless the hunt!

Predators Will Mark Themselves With Thunderbolts In Service Of Their Deity

We have been given glimpses of Predator culture in various comic books and novels over the years, several of which portray them in a similar light to the Klingons from Star Trek.


Well that explains broken tusks thunderbolt on his biomask

Too bad we can’t customize our preds with this symbol


Maybe they just like the blitzkrieg bop? Lol

stop stealing stuff from star trek and calling it predator aaaaaa

none of the movie preds even have this mark its only been used in paul ws andersons avp and then never again. It didnt even make sense there, congratz an alien jumped on your stick now you get an autoaim caster & they’re just locked up in this tomb raider pyramid you’re supposed to speedrun in some co-op adventure ritual. If any humans show up just bring them along too woo.
Whole thing was dumb and the movie shouldve been set a couple thousand years in the future with colonial marines but it was just a 2000s Versus cashgrab.

We have 5 Predator films with predators who all look the same, act the same, display the same level of skill and strength and none of them have the blooded mark on their heads or masks.
What’s the point of this imaginary hierarchy other than giving them an excuse whenever a predator loses?

Space redneck killing for fun in a slasher flick wasn’t audience-friendly enough for the licensing department so here come the hamfisted motives like homogenized star trek religons.

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That is a very interesting fact, I don’t know the whole Predator culture to a T. However I do know enough that they worship a Dark god known as “Paya” who is a four armed Yautja Hunter who hunts Predators souls, now he doesn’t do it physically but spiritually for every Predator who dies has their soul collected by Paya. In other words it’s a never ending hunt that being hunted and dying is unavoidable, but if the death was truly glorious Paya will find you as worthy pray and may grant your battered soul something.

That’s pretty much a tuff version of what I remember, but I hope Predators religion and culture is further explained.

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Hey I didn’t steal nothing! Also the ones with lighting bolts are a different clan, you think since other Yautja clans respect each other, we humans would to, NOW GOOD DAY SIR! Lol

You got it not completely right, buddy.

Paya is a goddess representing life. While the Black Warrior or Death is called Cetanu.

Even more than that Cetanu represent time itself and the futility of fighting it. because at the end of the road and no matter what you do, time will reduce you to dust and death will claim your soul.

Also with the new lore for the Yautja it might not being surprising to see Kaail (their equivalent of spartacus) being elevated as a god.

I mean in general with how much avp comic writers love copying star trek.

Klingons get trashed pretty badly specifically because of the emphasis on honor honor honor warriors heart bla bla the dialogue surrounding them was so circular and vacant that it just killed their edge.
Everyone was just harping about the same mundane, dull, plodding, cheesy dialogue.
Likewise avp comics were quick to become badblood this, youngblood that, the great scorekeeper sun god lol. “They’re killing because they culturally have to!” is a lazy attempt at making them relatable for some reason.

Klingons aren’t good. Stop copying klingons.

lmao they are far from being copy’s of klingons for christ sake there is a reason why the trope “Predator pastish” exist. AVP (expect for the AVR movie) for the major part have improve the predator lore for the better.

But if you want we can go with The predator lore and make the Yautja hunt down autism in the galaxy, make them dumb hunter with advanced gun that they don’t understand and make come from earth because we need to have earth and humans being the most important thing in any science fiction scenario lmao. people keep talking about “BrINg bAcKthEiR EdGe” but their edge die not because of AVP but because none of the following movies where able to give them an actuall good script.

Also if AVP comics where copying star trek we would have only 5 pages of actions in each comics, 20-40 pages of morales lecture and one page telling the reader to be nice to DATA and not being Xenophobic with aliens species.

tiny reminder that before 2018 movie the predator franchise compare to the xenomorph franchise was this :

Predators have Klingon DNA

Just compare their 5 heads

I mean foreheads

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lmao next scenario of Predator X Star trek made by netflix

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They were pretty bad ass in the reboot though lol

People hated that teamup crap in AVP.

Predators was fine. Instead of redneck hunters these were poachers kidnapping people and dropping them onto their personal backyard safari.
And they had some game warden strung up back there too.
Scar had 0 edge and puppy dog eyes lmao, Crucified was fine. Even with actors like fishburne onscreen they can’t draw people in to come see these movies. its just dead.
Predator 2018 had a predator hunting predator concept which is fine and then everything got really stupid within 5 minutes because they went full retard and it fell apart.

Alien is in the national film registry @ Congress as part of american theatrical history lol. Predator is not and is now a direct-to-dvd franchise that has gotten a single game people keep wanting to attach to alien & make it avp as if pred can’t stand on its own.
Apparently it can’t stand on its own without just copying klingons down to a T either.

Even with ridley scott trying to george lucas his own franchise xenos are still getting theatrical releases and an upcoming tv show doing something original with it - while pred is on some kind of spinoff life support begging to be attached to alien while the comic industry is dying & being outclassed entirely by like 2 mangas.
The new marvel comic is ugly as sin and the most traced thing ive ever seen though so we have that.

they already lost everyone in theater when they showed off a predator made in CGI the dumbest idea ever. its like i was making the Xenomorph in CG- oh wait alien covenant did and that look like shit.

yeah thank Studio ADI for that my god that was a bad move. But for the rest of the movie AVP 2004 is quit alright. its fun movie made by a is what is (also blame the fox not give enough budget)

nah that was good actually he showed how threatning a xeno infestation was and that both party despite their difference needed to work together to survive.

again predator have proven time and time that he can stand on its own. its alien who seem who can’t since alien 3 lmao. there is more bad alien movie than good one dude and its a fact, yes the first and second are masterpiece but like many movie, they got fucked up over time due to their own creator (THANK RIDLEY) and seriously even with thereown lore alien struggling david creating the alien? COME ON (hell even the spacejokey are wasted opportunities)

when on the other side of the sectrum predator suffer from a lack of confidence from the fox studio Predators did an ok job with 40M of dollars less than alien3, each time fox was a greedy bastard and make things difficults by lowering the budget of all the predator movie who come into existence even the predator.

than please compare. do it. you keep saying that but i don’t see anything that can compare both race, yes they go with the proud warrior guys tropes. but that all their culture are different as fuck.

now that is BS. predator was alright so far and was never on life support to begin with. if you remove the AVP movie that you hate so much the predator franchise dont have any bad movie (until 2018). alien however its another story of faillure since alien ressurection.

again you are spilling out BS full of hate there when both alien and predator sale where perfectly fine under Dark horse comic who hold them pretty well as there with little to no comic who where actually bad for both franchise., its since they sold it to marvel that everything is going to shit.

well hey we both know that the manga industry is way more appealing now than the bs proposed by marvel at that point XDDDD

we could speak for hours of that problem there and i seriously hope that both brother will retake the right of the pred franchise and sell it back to a compagny way more capable than disney.