Best Builds for Fighting the Predator 1v1 - For beginner FT Players

Good morning tribe,

Please know that I do not condone fighting the Predator 1v1, and I believe that electing to do so when you are not required to is one of the most selfish things you can do as an FT member.

This is doubly true if you are a Fireteam Main, because you must know better and do better as an example for your tribe.

That said, I have recently begun running solo queues again, which I think are a necessary part of your training as an FT main as they allow you to develop your individual skills while being mostly-unable to rely upon teammates to bail you out.

These builds are the ones I have had the most success with.

Recon - Spotter
Mercenary, SAWZ-50 (preferred) or ARW
PDW or any SMG
Noise, Frag, Needle
Gearhead, Thick Skin, Tracker

Assault - Deadly
Mercenary or ARW
PDW or any SMG
Noise, Med Kit, Needle
Bane, OWLF

Please accept that you are going to lose a 1v1 most of the time against a good Predator, but, if youā€™re lucky, you may bring glory to your tribe.

Happy hunting.


No love for Dutchā€¦ I see how it is


No its not. Its on everyone to worry about themselves and only themselves. Pls do not push this narrative that Iā€™m responisble for literally everyone in the playbase because Iā€™m not. I wonā€™t let this game turn into DBD.

(Next using sryinges will be toxic.)

Ya I know what to doā€¦

Collect myself a trophy.

Wait so its not unfairā€¦ but its selfish? Wheres the problem then?

These builds are pretty good. Iā€™d replace Bane for a bit more diverse perks but beyond that ya.

@Eshtion, thank you for replying.

This is, in my opinion, wholly untrue. As an FT member, or an an FT Main, your concern for yourself should extend to every name at the bottom of your screen. You should be watching their health, their ammo levels, their positioning, etc. Your aim is to get them out alive and, as an FT Main, I assume responsibility for that.

Our difference of opinion is fine, and I appreciate your perspective. Just know that if you ran on my FT, Iā€™ll throw everything I have into the game to keep you alive. šŸ˜‡


I think itā€™s a bad idea to want to 1v1 the predator. Maybe you pull it off with a couple lucky hits and a parry with melee damage.

I think the best build to ā€œcarryā€ a bad team is

  • assault - unleashed


  • gearhead
  • dexterous
  • fast hands

Equipment should be

  • field syrette
  • ACIG
  • Frag grenade


  • AR-W
  • Z0-6 with suppressor

Stay mudded, complete the mission, and take out the AI with the Z0-6. If you hear the predator get near, swap to your grenades and get ready to cook it right when the predator starts attacking a teammate. If you land a perfect shot, itā€™ll be about 225xp, thatā€™ll be about 1/3 of the predatorā€™s health. The predator will either continue to attack aggressively, back off to heal, or go range. If they continue to attack aggressively, swap to your AR-W and light it up, if it backs off to heal, work the mission, and if it goes range, try to get underneath and land another nicely cooked grenade, at this point, the predator has about 100 - 500 health depending if itā€™s a scout, berserker, or in between.

ACIG are great for cloaked predators that hop around the team spamming arrows and the pistol.


Why would anyone use unleashed instead of deadly?
P.s. Suppressor is garbage


Agreed. I think making the choice to go 1v1 when it is not required is unwise and selfish.

I like the build, and I understand the theory behind it.

Because a single grenade with unleashed(+30% dmg) does nearly 450 damage instantly. If you time the cook right, the predator canā€™t dodge it. With gearhead, youā€™ve got 4 super grenades to protect the team and three syrettes to keep yourself alive. The assault already has 10% extra damage as a passive, so deadly alone wonā€™t make a huge difference, unless you go Bane and deadly, but that is completely different from my recommendation.

PS: the suppressor is only for the anti AI gun. It has its place and claiming itā€™s garbage is uninformative and unnecessary, without explaining why.

Bane+deadly is deadly

This is a dealers choice type thing.
Iā€™m not that good with grenades so personally I stick with deadly over unleashed. However that 4 grenades build with unleashed definitely does more damage.
Anyone check if it works with the Hammerhead and Mercenary grenade launchers? Because if thatā€™s the case Iā€™d be running them

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It does work, but deadly does a lot more damage. It does not increase your damage that well to take unleashed over deadly. Deadly is op.

Suppressor šŸ˜‚

Again depends on play style. Some guys like that one shot grenade vs dumping mags at the pred

You can argue that unlished might be a viable option as much as deadly. There is no reason to use the suppressor in this game, neither on your secondary weapon. Itā€™s U S E L E S S .


Meh, I like to be quiet with the AI. Just for immersion

For immersion, thatā€™s all. You can kill AI without suppressor too, using knife and destroy alarm towerd from distance (you can shoot to them). To 1 vs 1 the Predator you need damage and hp. That is why assault , dutches and Support are very good for that. Recon and Scout not that much, if we are talking about a 1 vs 1 situation. To carry the team itā€™s better to kill the Predator compared to focus on the mission. Also because if you are alone at the exfil is gonna be a loss, probabily.

Ehā€¦Iā€™ve had some go hard preds that Iā€™ve kited with scouts. Admittedly not the best or easiest build to solo with but you can move enough to dip out of melee and avoid plasma splash while putting rounds on target.
Granted Dutchs and Assaults are literally built for pred solo now but it can be done with the speedster classes. Itā€™s even more frustrating for the preds

Right now you can solo even with the scout with no perks no gear and only pistol + dualist. The game is a joke. I was refering more to the previous patch when PHG was still a videogame. Now is more like a comedy.

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Yes. It does.

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Well thats just playing well.

I was mainly talking about the fun aspect. Particulary with playing against pred.


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