omg stfu IMHO suckit

ew thats a dude

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I don’t go on here that much anymore, also you’re in Germany aren’t you? How is it you also have no concept of time?


No… Im only German by blood
Pure blood German…

Germans are alright. I like their shows. Now lets stop talking about Germany.

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Okay and?

Deutschland uber alles


That doesn’t answer my question

Its Stimppy ejaculating shampoo on the chicks head as she is washing her ass.

You know Stimppy

Ren & Stimppy show…
You might be to young…

Rubens… und stein beer

I’m nearly 40 and I’ve never heard of or seen this shit before now. You guys have it rough in america, huh?

If you ask me, Oktoberfest is more than enough reparation for both world wars lol
The germans outdid themselves there…

We got everything we want and yes… we still bitch that it aint good enough…

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Oktoberfest goes back to the 1800s my guy… Napoleon era stuff… hell… I think it goes back to before Germans were even Germans… back to when we were still Prussians…

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you missed out. I mean if you saw this show immediately when it came out, it was the end of funny cartoons afterwards. Nothing will make you loose your shit more in laughter than this show. do youself a favor and catch it.

not true… South Park is awesome

Lol everyone knows that. My point still stands tho

South park is often immitatable…Ren and Stimpy…not so.

South park…just annoying brats. Ren and Stimpy : true inspiration.

South park…obviously you haven’t met annoying people doing their impression of South Park characters . Ren and Stimpy… the pandamonium is understood. No impressions needed.