Yeeeaahh… I think imma just stick to gravity falls and looney toons.

i don’t watch cartoons anymore. You shouldn’t either unless you’re 10.

Stimppy you IDIOT!!!

yeah but nobody does it better than watching the cartoon. …Ren and Stimpy is a testimant to old cartoon history while not trying to bring anything new to the table asides from providing the most extreme exhibitionist motifs.

South Park was just a vile exploit of simple animation software and cheezy amateur acting. Unfortunately that makes shitty people into popular memes. Which means the result of accepting South Park means you can tolerate assholes. I just hope people know better.

Unfortunately people in real life use South Park as a means to ‘breaking the ice’ but really they are trying to make you accept how fucking retched they’re own personalities are. If you accept them, you might find yourself comfortable in a Juvenile correction facilities.

I delt with a very annoying female nobody with a personality disorder whom used South Park ALL THE TIME. She had a look that would you made you cringe…all day…and at night. The South Park live re-inactments just made her slightly tolerable. I never watched the show. Thats how bad it was.

Dude I haven’t watched that cartoon in years

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Im 100% a Cartman… compleat ass hole all the time… little fat to, but not FAT fat

South park and Ren and Stimpy are literally cartoons you dumbass lmfao
They aren’t deeply disturbing enough for my tastes.

You spark my curiosity good sir…

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Well mainly here I’m talking about Gravity Falls. It’s about a couple of kids who get stuck with their uncle over the summer and basically the backwater town they’re in is covered in american cryptids. It’s funny and, like I said, quite disturbing - especially the episodes involving the main antagonist. I think you can still torrent both seasons.


Please play other games.


Ey yo. Peepee poopoo

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Match in the Gas-tank…

I am a person of culture and i have refined tastes!

They’re cartoons.