Those warranties are meh, tbh.
I used to work as a technician for squaretrade. The way the warranty works is that the item is insured for the sale price. If a computer price was $2,000, the warranty covers that much. Every replacement part and labor is deducted from that. If the repairs cost more than the item price, they need to contact the warranty and they’ll get a check for the amount the item was insured for. If the repairs are less, we’ll repair it until the warranty funds are exhausted. I expect other warranties to be the same. Read the fine print.
As for MSI, just harass them. If they screwed up the shipping, that’s on them. You’ll likely have to pay for shipping, but they’ll either send you a new or refurbished one or may even send you an upgraded model, such as a 4080, if they don’t have a 3080 available.
Chopra told me that’s how he got his 2080. He had a 1080 that failed and was still under warranty and they replaced it with a 2080 because the 1080 was no longer manufactured