Best place to buy gpu? Amazon?

I’m thinking to get a strix 4070ti.

Amazon seems to have plenty of them.

Anyone familiar with the 4 year protection plan they offer?

Where’s the best place to buy one? Local brick shops only have gigabyte, msi, and pny mid tiers.

I just want to be able to enjoy the phantom liberty update in September in 1440

extended warranties are usually carried by Squaretrade. The GPU needs to be certified defective by an authorized Squaretrade technician. Once certified defective they will either replace it with an equal value GPU or offer a cashback for the value it was insured for.

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Wish msi was that good they are taking me through the wringer.

My 3080 was damaged during shipping and they don’t seem to really give a shit.

Look how they shipped it.

The back plate is bent to the point I can’t put it in the pcie slot

From msi
“2. From the RMA Symptom, our agent already note this RMA will be replaced”

What’s this mean?

I think if you previously owned 4gbAMD radeon its about time for a master trucker of a vcard. I just got my 12gb 3060 RTX Gforce Invidia. and its blazing!

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Yea I prefer a store but the Amazon 4 year warranty sounds good. I think I just overused my 3080.

When Covid hit I was in the house playing all day. No work no life do a year just games and garage gym 😂😂 but i see many people say on Reddit and YouTube the factory thermal paste sucks.

I should have just kept my 3080 and repasted it; added pads too.

It’s depressing I slept in my car for 3 nights in front of micro center for that damn card.

Now it’s destroyed because nobody cares to have quality control of their work.

Every job I ever worked I took some level of pride in the quality of my work. Smh can’t believe this shit.

Seems like a 4070ti will be worth the upgrade from a 3080 for 1440p

I am hyped for the cyberpunk update.

That packing is so wrong. I had Mobo shipped once and they just used the original box. Doesn’t make sense why they used that poor packaging, unless they had a third party contractor do the repair.

My mobo was replaced, not repaired, so it came straight from the factory warehouse.

Probably your GPU was repaired. If they are going to replace it, you are better off with that.

They are not being clear about what they plan to do.

I will bug them and harass them until they do. Not worth calling my lawyer about so it’s all I got.

There was a lawyer on Reddit that said they owe me a refund(800$)

I’m trying to not go buy a new card but looking at the frame rate increase on YouTube from 3080 to 4070ti for cyberpunk I kinda want to buy that 4070ti…really I want the 4090 😂 if I’m being honest.

The 4090 rt had me sold and I plan to replay the game from start after the update in September

I will. Thanks.

Got to wait and see. I rather have my 3080 back and keep my 💰.

40 series cards look great but I want to wait for nvidia 50 series and hopefully build a brand new pc.

My cpu is old (ryzen 9 3900)

I would also like to go from 1440 p to 4k.

@JelouGaming says the Amazon warranty is good but not as good as I prefer…

Those warranties are meh, tbh.

I used to work as a technician for squaretrade. The way the warranty works is that the item is insured for the sale price. If a computer price was $2,000, the warranty covers that much. Every replacement part and labor is deducted from that. If the repairs cost more than the item price, they need to contact the warranty and they’ll get a check for the amount the item was insured for. If the repairs are less, we’ll repair it until the warranty funds are exhausted. I expect other warranties to be the same. Read the fine print.

As for MSI, just harass them. If they screwed up the shipping, that’s on them. You’ll likely have to pay for shipping, but they’ll either send you a new or refurbished one or may even send you an upgraded model, such as a 4080, if they don’t have a 3080 available.

Chopra told me that’s how he got his 2080. He had a 1080 that failed and was still under warranty and they replaced it with a 2080 because the 1080 was no longer manufactured

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Thanks a ton I’ll hold on to my cash. Tbh the only rma process that seemed least stressful was through evga, but they are no longer making gpus.

That and the 2 year micro center warranty

Buy from


😂🤣a who ?!

Tempted to get one but I’ll hold onto my pc master race card

Msi responded. Say they are going to give me a refurbished card. 🍺 here’s to hoping it works.


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Bro what’s that packaging?

MSI doesn’t package their cards in those boxes. They never did.

This is the original packaging.

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That’s how they sent it first time around.

The second time they sent it Fukd up idk why.


Whoever u buy from, try and get first class shipping

Everything is always fucked up when u get it in the mail

I tried if they fuk up I’m gonna sell it for whatever I can and likely buy a gpu from a brick shop.

Can’t wait to jump back on phg and peel some tots

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That’s why I think they hired a third party to handle that last repair. They always ship in original packing. The fact that they agreed to send you another one just by you showing them how it was shipped back tells me they know the third party fucked up.

Hopefully they ended the contract as soon as they saw what a shit job they did with your gpu

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