Best Sniper Scope

What’s the best Scope for the Sniper?

  • Iron Sights
  • Red Dot
  • Holographic
  • 4x Sight
  • 6x Scope
  • 10x Scope
  • NRV-E Scope (Isabelle Sniper)

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Typically I speak of the SAWZ-50 but if you use another Sniper then feel free to state that and your Scope👍

In my experience in this game, red dots sniper scope is S tier for me. Especially for faster ADS. I end up wrecking alot of people in clash with it and helps damage the Predator.

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Whatever Dino is using , he’s an absolute beast mode ft guy


This is my opinion
I feel the 6x is all round the best for me ,very balanced with close range and long range shots
The red dot is good too , ads is smoother ,and is probably the best scope if you just started sniping
I feel like this is a good scope if you’re tryna get those mid air shots alot
But as you adapt to using the sniper ,you can use any scope and make it work well for you

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It depends on what do you mean about “Best Scope”
If you mean what is the easiest one
It’s Red dot or iron sights
But if you mean what is the fun to use
It’s 6x Scope
And what’s hard and really challanging to use
It’s 10x Scope
I like the 10 times scope cuz you can also shot close ranges and really far ranges , it needs skill to use and it’s not easy like Red Dot


True ,red dot is definitely the easiest to use
10x can be really fun … hitting those shots half way across the map

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Mike uses 10x Scope

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He can use whatever he wants cuz he’s by far the best I’ve ever seen . Bravo to his skills at ft

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Yeah man he is without a doubt the most skilled PS Fireteam player. I don’t care what anyone says he is genuinely even better than most of the Elite PC Players I’ve fought, and I’ve fought a lot.

The general consensus is also that the 10x scope is the hardest to master and he is practically a PC player with that scope. Most of the Elite Snipers I play with use the Red dot or 6x scope from what I recall.

I myself use either 6x as I’m most comfortable with that, Red dot if I’m tryharding with potatoes on my team against a good Predator because it is easy mode, and 10x Scope to keep me on my toes and I also mastered the 10x first as it was the hardest so it helps build a skill set with the Sniper.

Overall it’s all down to personal preference is what I see from players. For example:
Gesp and StUrMi use Red dot
Hunter3ii3 and Jasonth13 use literally everything because they versatile asf🤣
Samhain, myself typically, and most players I see use 6x Scope
Wolf_Mike_1998/dino-onyx-98 and Scarface use 10x Scope.

Happy Sniping peeps!👍🤣


I don’t play much fireteam and haven’t even tried sniping to any extent , but I do have respect for the top tier guys that can do it well .

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All scopes with EMP/Self-Revive and anything else LMFAO


I like 10x

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Utter those words again and I shall destroy you lmao

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Nerf Dante , spot builds , quadruple stacks , buff pred

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Red dot for sure.

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