Blackwater bug exploit

Start at 2:50 abusing the glitchs. again.


Hrmm…not my ideal gameplay but if that’s what they have to do to win…I’d stay away from this group.

nice too see but dont do it every time xD

It wasn’t a win though?, but tbh having a more defined way to say who’s won

@Courier Another terrain bug to patch up if yall can.

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Ban the exploit users (all names visible at 11:33):

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Yeah ban them for using and distributing the exploit.

when ps4 players had enough!!! time to find exploits!!!

Hiding under the huts in backwater with infinite healing med packs is annoying.

i found one guy too hade it

never play that map any more the 5te game were found user thate using that Fuck +#!?

so and he you can see how you can use that

clip is for bug report

hope illfonic can fix it fast

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Honestly while its frustrating, be glad they find them and thank you for having proof so it can be fixed, if illfonic can learn from it when they’re fixing it maybe there will be none like it in the future hopefully, again thanks for the proof a lot of posts gripe about it without visual evidence

These guys weren’t making a proof video, they were taking the piss and laughing about it.
There’s a difference…

Tests you do in private matches specifically for the test. Even check out the youtube posters comments on the video he made. This was not a test, it was a friend showing him how to exploit.