‘Melee’ as adverse effects with the weapons I listed above, if the weapon does not accept the ‘Melee’ input it will default to wristblades basically auto switching
Blocking parry attacks
You can do this too, there are multiple ways to skin a cat
A common theme to a lot of findings is that it usually leads to multiple ways of doing the same thing and or similar to other aspects due to illfonics copy and pasting habits
I mainly get stunlocked by people when I’m doing follow-up Wristblade combos after I hit them with a Plasma Pistol shot. Half the time the game seems to register me aiming as swinging my Wristblades, because I’m not even pressing the attack button yet I’m getting parried.
The parry delay is also very weird because even if I do a single Wristblade attack and it hits, and then I don’t press anything afterwards, the Fireteam member can still somehow hit the most delayed parry ever for the first initial attack, and I’m talking approximately a full second after I hit them.
Are you just mashing Melee with the Wristblades while having it set to the separate ‘Melee’ command?
So I can still fire my Ranged weapons if I have the ‘melee’ command in use
Yeah, if you set to something like R3 it’s a lot easier, but even though this is possible it doesn’t mean it really needs to be used infact even with knowing this type of stuff through vetting the severity it’s not really worth using still
However, when paired with additional concepts such as combo continuation for example Plasma Caster > Combistick this concept of bypassing parry animation becomes a little more interesting
Yeah I already reassigned R3 to the Jump/Branch Switch command years ago to stop getting thrown up tree trunks by accident & getting lit up.
I’ll probably just try to see how the swapping weapon via hotkeys to bypass parry animations works in practice the next time I get in Privates & someone decides to use the knife exploit on me.
Yeah, I saw that some people do that now, it’s the way to go
Idk my shit been actin up lately, but i jus seen the video and in that match it wasnt glitchin on my end? Could be my wifi maybe cus sometimes whem streamin movies it will randomly stop and buffer and it never does that so might have to get it looked at.
I use a “turbo” macro, so maybe you need to mash faster? lmao, I dunno, works for me and I’ve also died to it to fucking 5 year olds that I know are just mashing the attack button with wristblades, they nreak through the parry stun and get me. Only shit that helps me with that is the hyper knife.
he needs to Mash Potatoe and do that twist!