Blocking parry attacks

If they could add a blocking button. Let’s say L1 on the controller or the square button would be nice. Me and this guy I keep running into online keep squaring off with hand to hand combat and we keep killing each other in a draw or we’d both be down. Im playing as Predator, and he’s Dante I believe. This happened 4 or 5 times now. I suppose we’re very evenly matched, but blocking attacks would help.

You can block attacks by shooting them with plasma.

“Working as intended.” - Illfonic


I could, but the opponent and I non verbally agree to fight hand to hand. It honestly feels very cinematic lol.

Falconer why hasn’t Mr Black given you your Plasma Caster yet?

Stop this honorable nonsense, steal Tracker’s Plasma Caster & incinerate these fools already🤣🤣🤣

But on a serious note, just go to heal after you take enough damage. If the Fireteam can spam syrettes mid-fight, you should be able to leave the fight & heal aswell. Everyone knows the knife is overpowered asf & takes 0 skill or effort to use anyway. It literally requires less knife attacks to second wind the Predator than it does to down a Fireteam member with the Wristblades depending on the classes most of the time.


Bob and weave, slip, move, slide, and jump. Gotts use some footwork on em

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I’ve been pestering Mr. Black for some time now. I think he’s grown tired of me.


Don’t even bother, melee is broken in so many places down to its core fundamentals

I wanted to go over mechanical problems for a while now, watch these first

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It’s even more ridiculous when you realise the knife’s hitbox reaches several metres in front of them so it’s more like a sword/machete.

Oh, I did testing for that, it’s like a flat range I couldn’t actually find evidence of a hitbox, some of the testing I did was manually modifying melee angle, extending melee range parameters, this is a thing for predator too but additionally has melee positioning assistance

Funny that melee actually has assistance for predator and not actual aim assistance like people say, it’s the exact opposite the predator aim assistance in the game files is associated with fireteam v predator and fireteam v ai

Here is some testing with extended melee range in public game, I think I did 3 of these and the rest were private


Wtaf did I just witness🤣

But yeah the Predator Melee tracking & “assistance” has always been weird. I never really use Melee though so I wouldn’t know all the technicalities.

But as far as the knife goes, sometimes I am literally several metres away from a Fireteam member & they hit me 4 times in the space of a second with the knife. Heck, sometimes I have literally been in the air mid-leap & the knife is somehow hitting me. This shit has only been occurring constantly since the recent updates & “revival” of the game. Idk what Illfonic did but I sure as hell wish they’d revert that shit.

From desync testing I do know if fireteam hits you on their screen and it registers it will do damage regardless of if their are delays within connection updates so in some cases there might be a small hiccup with connection which makes damage come later than expected within normal gameplay

But regardless, melee is shit on both sides and unpolished as fuck with several bugs with parry present on both sides

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Rombak level extreme threat lmao


I don’t understand what you mean by “blocking parry attacks”

When the Predator attacks, the FT gets a prompt that allows them to parry the attack. Following the parry, both characters enter a “stun” animation with the exact time duration. Following the “stun” duration period, both characters are able to attack again, however, FT only has one melee weapon, the knife, which is much quicker than most Predator melee weapons, with wristblades being the only melee weapon that is just as quick.

FT knife attacks cannot be parried, but will not parry the Predator if initiated first. During the FT knife attack, Predator can still perform melee attacks.

That being said, there are multiple ways to bypass the parry stun on both sides, some can be purposely done if you know the correct exploits, like the one’s @BeerWarrior66 showed, while others happen constantly because is very easy and basic to perform.

In any case, stay away from slasher type of game play. This is a first person SHOOTER… you are meant to shoot things and relying on melee will only get you so far.

If you want to win hand to hand as Predator, you’ll need to go in and out of melee range and only throw one attack at a time, baiting the Fireteam player to miss their attack. If you get parried, try spamming jump to get out of range and go back to trying to bait a melee attack, and countering. Rinse and repeat.

That’s how I do it, anyway. 🤷‍♂️


Found the test footage

Footage includes range inclusive of radius modification

2025-02-03 19_35_16-Window

I’m pretty sure knife behaves like an adjustable cone radius instead of a actual hitbox on the knife itself, but its not to say the knife doesnt have a hitbox it just not be in use which is fine but if I could view hitboxes it would be nice to confirm stuff like branches but all we can do right now is try to recreate BP’s based on information in datamine

I was still looking for more evidence as hit effects give mixed results

Heres that other stuff I was talking about

With above I am pressing the Select Weapon hotkeys and Gear hotkeys for Predator to negate parry animation time

2025-02-03 22_11_57-Window

If you bind ‘Melee’ for Predator it will function in the same concept as with Fireteam ‘Melee’ @Anonymous.Voorhees13

So basically this whole time parry has been completely fucked, theres also a bug that miss parry completely as Fireteam where you get the timer for a parry without actually doing anything which is also never going to be patched

also @Martinez why the fuck are you so laggy

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So basically if I just swap weapon with my hotkey whenever I get parried it should bypass it?

Or does it have to be some kind of hotkey specifically selected for the ‘melee’ control in the Predator custom controls?

naw man, that’s op. melee attacks that automatically teleport you to safety? yes please. i’m gonna have to revisit the katana.

They way I did it, mash the melee button with wristblades and you will break out of the parry stun every single time. Wristblades also have the best autotrack of all melee weapons.


Yes and yes

There is not one but multiple ways to do this

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If I were to set the ‘Melee’ command as the R2 button on PS (the button you press to either attack/fire/throw something) would it just set it as the same button as attacking without replacing the original command?

Or would I just have to put up with quickly swapping between my Primary & Secondary weapons with my hotkey every time I get parried to bypass the animation? Because frankly I don’t have enough buttons on my controller to assign any entirely new hotkeys😂