
I think blood drips from predator are too much/often. should be none up till like 40% health… then gradually worse to 10% being a lot.

Also add fireteam blood, so if they are bleeding they leave a trail you can track that glows few seconds in IR mudded or not (like footprints).

i also think there are some shadows on predator (tropy?) that dont dissapear when cloaked? anyone else see those 2 shadows when u leap or move when cloaked?


Revert the Predator blood spatter changes to how it was at launch.
Pred looks like hes on the verge of death now at 35% hp.

Make blood locational instead of just spraying it all over the mask & painting the pred green.
There’s visual clarity that someones at low hp, and then there’s just goofy.

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I could see this getting really excessive really quick. Someone would always be bleeding and if they’re already running around at low hp because youre hitting them its redundant. Game is too fast paced for it.

Could be a thing for when last man standing takes AI damage. Or when this game gets stealth/tracking mechanics so maybe never

Or it could be a thing when illfonic decides to remake their game and adds better target isolation that does not pin point fireteam in an instant rather it works along side thermal vision and other predator bio mask features such as sound bar and other visions.

And yes im aware this is highly unlikely if nobody is asking for illfonic to do smth about their game being in this place and scoring spot 2 in top 15 dead on arrival games

earlier i swear i was well over 70% health and still dripping now and again. like how we supposed to stealth with all the noises and this and dust clouds and plants moving and trees creaking and elephant footsteps, vision sounds, healing sounds… probably forgot other things

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Yeah it happens to me every other game it has to do with the servers and connection sadly, it also might have smth to do how the game is programmed lol… but yeah


if they make a map that is like this big… maybe even slightly bigger, this would be possible XD

They want pred action ASAP because they know the AI isnt fun at all to play against.

Hate how half the game is filler so it turns this into an arena shooter with some bad AI and fetch quests thrown in the mix to force progression.

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I found a way to fix this also… without necessarily forcing predator into the play…

best way to do is to keep fireteam on their high toes 24 / 7 during the mission… and if they mess something up there is a 50 / 50 chances predator heard this… which lifts up that “SURPRISE Factor” even more in the game so its non stop action for fireteam.

I would also go to the extent to argue that illfonic should let fireteam be able to like make their own GILLY suits or like basic grass coverage that takes time to build and hides them from AI + Predator for short period of time cause the more u spend in it the more temperature rises inside it.

The best way to approach in making this sort of game is to realize why people like to play humans only and why people like to play predator only… and why some are hybrid.

So for fireteam mains you would more likely keep them happy if they were able to make their own TRAPS, SHELTERS

And being able to hide in plain sigh from the predator too for brief period of time.

To make predator fun in a way it can’t be rushed, illfonic will have to make it so you need to put in time and patience to hunt the fireteam which i am 100% sure that majority of predator mains who bought them game only cause of predator and how they are in love with the tech, they wouldn’t mind actually spending time as a true hunter following footsteps and clues.

This would also help out balance the wait time for predator more as at least dozen of people will then play fireteam more cause its OUT OF THE BOX action, which is different than with predator.

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Predator does bleed way too much

It should increase with every medical kit used

So by the time you’ve used all of them you bleed the most

And you shouldn’t bleed until you’ve reached less than 50% HP

Eating pigs doesn’t affect this

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My thoughts exactly ;)

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Well you know what they say…

Great minds belong to the men of melon

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