Bloodthirstylord material d@#k rider

I know but incase others try. You can sue them out of existing so do it

Well I was thinking about shooting him a message about the new update and a possible new tournament. Guess I will 😁

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He does have some original content… like a Godzilla and king Kong predator build! Roflmao. That’s what you can expect when he thinks for himself.


Lol. Some of the others are pretty Clickbait lets not lie. Bloodthirsty is very clickbait but so are the other 2.

Thanks dude <3

I don’t understand from a player perspective how Lordy can take from this forum and directly from other ppl and not give them credit.

The title he put out for his latest video “unlocking” is directly a lie since the animation is a reskin with the war club stealth kill. There isn’t any “unlocking” going on here, it’s a mechanic of the damn game LMAO

Hes a great force for phg and the community, but I see him more of a middle guy pushing shit already found, I find nothing new from watching his content, but can’t hate on him for the hustle.

Fuck I wish I had 70k subscribers seeing half the shit I do… lmao


Yeah but you get the most views on Twitch for this game. I think most of the time you have up to 30 ppl watching thats alot

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True. And I only play this game. (Sprinkling of Rocket league and DBD)

Pretty sure no one has gained a following over such a controversial game, in such a short period of time.

Can only really thank you dudes and the community for the support :)



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Don’t think I’ll ever see Lordy pull this one off…

Just a snippet of the shit that happens daily xD


Yeah dude it’s what he does steals peoples stuff and if you say something about it your blocked LOL 😂 the thing that sucks the most is dudes got pull and if he really wanted to he could join the community and actually discuss and be a part of this like we all are an not steal shit from people but no all he wants is his views and paycheck at the end of the day and I totally understand wanting a pay check out of the day and just do your job but tell me I haven’t made anything off my YouTube or any of my videos I’ve invested over 2000$ into my set up so I can make better content and be more professional how is this guy gonna come along and cover what I did without asking or being frame of reference and gets to make money off it? It’s bullshit and that’s why I say what I say about him honestly I liked him at first but once I realized what he was doing I couldn’t stay silent

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Well, in reality can’t really steal something you don’t own the rights to in the first place. I think of youtubers who cover a game/movie/etc. as news reporters all cover the same content and story, just their version of it. And it’s up to the viewers which channel they like more. Welcome to capitalism, some make it and others break it. That’s just the reality of it.


He stole from other youtubers, dude is brainless so he steals other ppl’s idea’s and represent it as his own.

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@FromTheHood couldn’t have said it better he’s representing it as his own rather than what we are doing reporting it that’s why we have a problem he watches the smaller guys do the work and capitalizes on it now your right it’s the way things happen sometimes fine by all means I know the rules however it’s now my choice to either sit by and let it happen or inform people about what’s going on and let the community make the decision as long as they know what’s really going on I’m okay with the decision everyone makes at the end of the day

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That’s what he does all the time.

Or you can report him on YouTube if he legit stole your content, like literally downloaded your vid and used it as his own.

His community will be blind to that, at least most of his subs, 'cause they sub 'cause of him and lots of those subs are kids who are looking at him like he’s some sort of God or whatever.

I’m doing YouTube since 2010 and trust me, I’ve seen it all, been through it all, to the point where I stopped caring and just started doing vids when I can and when I want.

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I’ve seen blood before for awhile, never heard any issues before. Humm idk. But I’ve used some of the builds in his videos and they have done me pretty good tho.

I bet me and crazyboy could kick your ass any day

Look I’ll never try to get people to hate or stop watching what he does all I’m trying to do is let everyone know who he is and what he’s about I was a fan at first then he just kept copying people and taking it for his not to mention he has 0 creativity him being creative is making a Godzilla build or a King Kong build LOL 😂

Honestly, considering how long he’s been doing this, being a snarky little shit, pretending he’s better than a lot of people, acting haughty towards many others, stealing content, failing to communicate, etc. I’d be starting a petition to ban him for this crap. It’s gotta stop. He refuses to talk to anyone that doesn’t simp for him, devs included. It’s infuriating, absolutely disrespectful and inconsiderate towards others.

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I watched the video it’s just him sitting in a rock
But crazy did fuck up and got melted

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