Boner For DAYS

Are you suffering from a case of softer than normal? Do you want that rock hard feeling again?

Our new Product “Bone for Days” is just for you. Recently out of the trial phase and ready for mass marketing, you will be the envy of all your coworkers and friends.

With “Bone for Days” a trip to the grocery store might turn into a romantic rendezvous when women see your giant raging package.

With “Bone for Days” you will be the highlight of that office Christmas party, with gossip and adoration.

Try our product “Boner for Days” today.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor is the product intended for treatment or curation of any disease. Side effects may include reduced blood flow to brain, possible heart attack, stroke, hemorrhaging, siezure, and anaphylactic shock. Please use responsibly and immediately seek medical help if any of the above occur.


Kingdom of Dick -Erection Taro vs. Captain Disclaimer-