Hello I am a original play with 229 hours in game and own almost all of the dlc except for some of the fireteam as booted up the game excitied that my favorite game is getting updated. I went and thought maybe I should get dutch 2025 but to my surprise a character who WAS IN THE GAME AND AVAILABLE WAS REMOVED BECAUSE THEY WERE QUOTE LIMITED TIME. But excuse my rant it is unfair for new players to not be able to get these fire team dlc which give them a better chance of survival that any base class would but no they got it stripped away from them. In other words bring the dlc back Illifonic it’s not right to do this
Bring back fireteam dlc
Illfonic said no
They didn’t really say no though
It costs them too much for the low sales they get from it. Look at yourself, you bought all the predator DLC yet never got any FT DLC even though you got the game 4 years ago.
Predator DLC royalties costs pennies compared to the royalties they have to pay to Arnold, Alice and Marshawn.
This. You had four years to purchase them and be able to keep them after 3.0, and you didn’t. And its costs so much more to pay these actors for their voices and likenesses, and there just isn’t enough money coming in to support that. Playing devil’s advocate, they are likely negotiating contracts so they can release them to new buyers and Xbox players, but they use sketchy and untrue language like “limited time” to explain why you can’t purchase them to avoid answering with the obvious answer. Like…Illfonic, stop lying, we know what the real reasons are, just be straight up. But that’s way, way too much to ask for.
no fireteam dlc for you
It’s Pred 87 all over again
I just wanna see Isabelle and Dutch 2025 comeback. Rest are too op and I’m glad they’ll be a rare sight