Broken servers

Why there is servers where 1 to 3 players slots are empty and it takes huge amount of time to fill them up? Sometimes 4 fireteam members waits for predator player but it never arrives. Fix servers and investegate why this doesnt allways work.

This is very weird considering predator waiting times being over 7 minutes

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Its been an issue since launch , buddy . Sometimes it is worse than others , but servers have been a pretty common issue

Yes but it has to be fixed. I bought this game when it launched. Servers are not that bad but problem is still there and IllFonic has to do something about it. It isnt big issue for me anymore because being no preferance main, but still it must suck for predator only w*****s.


I think the problem could be that you want many things at the same time, dlc fix bugs and changes, it does not focus on 1 thing, maybe now that there is a minimum of 2 months that there is nothing they will focus on a single thing.

When are you gonna admit that youre a fat ass basement dwelling troll of a dude that’s learning spanish?

How often does this happen? Why is this in feedback?
Why Do i give a fuck?

I dont mind if you give a fuck when i receive it

Que quieres que te diga? Yo no eh dado nada por hecho, eres tu, un simple, que se ha formado su película y tiene algo contra mi en un foro con mucha gente, ni se quien eres y me das igual, si tienes un problema te jodes, yo personalmente duermo todas las noches tranquila, veo que tu no, ahora di lo que quieras que dirás porque eres previsible y sera otro insulto desde la ignorancia, porque no solo eres simple, también eres un ignorante, o usaras algo de lo que yo eh dicho contra mi creyendo que me afectará, solo te contesto para que veas lo simple e ignorante que eres, gracias no espero nada más de ti, nada que suponga pensar o algo similar y espero que no lo hagas porque tu simple y débil mente le podría dar una hemorragia interna o algo, pasa buen día o buena noche y que te den por el culo, payaso


Unless it involves their microtransaction shit. It’s none of their concern.

You bought the game when it launched but are just now discovering this? Awww! Bless yo heart!

follando el culo antes de acostarse? XD un domingo?

Yes 😇, good night🥰

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Fair enough 😁👍🏻