Buff the Dutch

bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch

Because we don’t want DLC to be pay 2 win. Its fine if its stronger and is meta thats natural but we shouldn’t go out of our way to specifically make it pay to win. Balance is important.

Plus even in the lore we still have yet make plasma proof armor. In Predator: stalking Shadows, the plasma caster hit harder than in the game. And thats after retrieving a combistick, and refitting a plasma canon to Dutch’s arm.

Plus I consider him one of the best classes, same speed as assault while being tanker, as well as a faster mud up time (with animation cancelling of course)

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bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch
bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch
bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch

does cancelling the mudup animation still make Dutch fully mud up? I don’t think so.

Yes it does. It does the full process but he’s still in animation the same way that mudding up with dexterous speeds it up.

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We need him to have Dutch 87 in the same perspective as the over the shoulder perspective and give him a combi stick so that he can spear throw!

bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch
bababa ba baba dutch

Your imagination is out of hand lmao

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ZomboMeme 04082020231721

bababa ba baba dutch buff the dutch
bababa ba baba dutch

Bow an arrow too

buff the dutch- ba buff the dutch
buff the dutch- ba buff the dutch

Buff Pred!



buff the dutch…ba buff the dutch

Umm yes buff pred


Request Granted

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I just saw how far down the bottom of the page this thread was and insist you all remember to BUFF THE DUTCH!!! @Kabe40

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Can’t say i agree…and
nobody watched that movie.