Please illfonic, bullet proof the helmet or plasma, arrow proof it making him take less damage or no damage at all.
If it is man made and not the alien technology we thought it was, then I believe illfonic has failed this part of the canon.
Buff the Dutch!
Its not a pay to win request, its just a perk and rightly so. To me all we got is a slower FT member, basic stamin and health, with less gear holding. I don’t necessarily see long mud covering nor hipfire accuracy at all. If it is mentioned that he has it, we should at least be able to accurately say that this Class has this for sure…not make a video and measure how many milliseconds he’s got as an advantage.
For the extra 8 bucks I payed we should at least get something thats identifiably an advantage. Stats i’m assuming are so easily changed, why not give it to us?