Hello good morning I want to inform about the predator hunting grounds game they have already solved the audio problem yes they did but they missed a small bug that they needed to fix with the feral predator weapon and it is when you use the feral weapon it shoots very well only after shooting it releases a blue flash this bugs the weapon letting that light discover the player instantly showing the enemy where you are located this bug is not normal and most players have had this same bug with that feral predator harpoon weapon remove that bug about the blue flash when using the feral predator weapon ooh .
ooh another thing you said that if you update the predator hunting grounds video game on the ps5 console you would get the feral predator skin for free and I have updated my ps5 and the game since October 2, 2024 of predator hunting grounds and still nothing happens that free update is false you don’t earn anything or solve this problem for me since it won’t let me use the feral predator skin knowing that I had unlocked it with the update of October 2, 2024 and still nothing lets me use the feral predator skin even though I have updated the game on my ps5