but will jungle hunter be free/ purchasable now?

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I got my jungle hunter mask from loot box finally lol

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I think they should give it a limited release, at this point what does it matter

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I have afew JH accounts that I am eager to sell. Whats the value I wonder? Anyone know?


Yeah figured, this game is trash and its at least 85% your fault.

Nu uh it’s your fault!!

Yeah I’ll wear that.

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Oh wow finally something that isn’t my fault.

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Shut up rey go back to Antarctica!

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Fak you I’m from aloha

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Who the fuck is this
I’d say its your fault but you’re a noob fer sure.

Jysty you really lost your touch for trolling xD.
What happened man?

It comes and it goes really. Less lockdown = less time too. Proabably afew factors at play really. I guess you could say my style is currently experiencing a resurgence of neo dadaism. Maybe you’re just not the target audience anymore.

But really, I just smoke less weed now. When I was smoking a quarter a day and smashing double slams on the reg it was gravey.

Stop typing noob noone cares. Yeah you.

I… I am an enigma.

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Who? You? Or fire?

Use your imagination jesus fuck. Want me to suck you off too?