Don’t threaten me with a good time.
but will jungle hunter be free/ purchasable now?
I will fuck you til you love me friendo.
c wot I did thar
I will literally bottom for you.
I didn’t realise before but we’re actually perfect for each other.
You’re like Justin, 16, fresh on the scene, out to learn himself in a big bad world ya know?
Then I’m Brian, been around, doing well at my advertising job, fucking everything that moves.
But by the time it gets to season 3 you’ll be plowing my butt, not the other way round (with a condom obviously) But really, its my relationship with Mikey that makes the show and drives audicences into a thrilling yet rewarding season 5
you get me?
I sure don’t but okay.
Don’t lie to me you adorable lil fuck
Stranger danger I need an adult
Now we’re stuck in a logical loop probably, idk I just play predator personally.
Yeah but my real go to is my best mate Mikey who works at a dollar store and is really into comic books. Reynoso (Justin) is coming off like a flavor of the month type right now but we’re only just getting into episode 1 and theres 5 more seasons. Ya know
Theres also ted and emmett but who knows whats going on with them right now if you know what I mean coz like its only episode one and as sub characters there really hasn’t been time for any development there yet.
Holy shit this has been great xD.
You bring out the best in me
Sounds like you write Netflix shows
Did you watch The Serpent yet? its a fucking banger.
Never heard of it bucko
Yeah I didn’t watch netflix when I didn’t have a GF too. But being single has its own negatives, your brain gets ill and then you get to a point where your like fuck it I’m going to make a thing with a clown in a dead game noone cares about and before you know it you have a clown pic as your dp in a dead forum thats clearly meant for autistic people that like Predator.
Or you could just watch The Serpent on Netflix. Its a banger.