Call of Duty Black Ops : Cold War

Why do ppl still buy cod games. Its the same fucking game.every year you sheep bastards 🐑


How’s the campaign?

That’s the only thing I’m interested in lol

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It’s high octane action as per usual

Really depends how long it is

It has this new puzzle element I don’t know how in depth it is but it’s interesting trying to solve it

You have to collect evidence in missions to piece together the puzzle

So far I’d recommend it but if you only want the campaign $60 might be a bit much

The one negative I’ll say is that it inflates the campaign by making you replay missions to find evidence

Also there are some graphical bugs and controller bug atm

The campaign was really short

You could easily beat it in an afternoon

it was fun though

Seems there are multiple endings too

The air jungle combat here really feels like the jungle!

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I wish there were more missions in Vietnam

I wish they just made call of duty : vietnam

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Cold War zombies looks boring. I wish they could make more maps like Kino Der Toten.

I think it’s fun

Not my main draw though

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I played it and just finished it and it makes me wish for a call of duty in Vietnam

Also, the “bad” ending was 👌🏻

I hope they add vietnam levels to MP

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Yeah all the maps are shallow not a lot of weapons etc